Sayid later learned Sawyer was innocent and left the beach on a He spoke the next day at her funeral, saying he loved her. It was terrible. Flashforward and flashsideway kills are in bold. (" Solitary ") Sam Toomey commits suicide. Sayid and Kate go after Jack and Sawyer, who are following a homing beacon left by Lapidus. However, their plan backfires when the Others arrive via the sea and hijack the boat. The Tailies, Eko, Libby and Bernard attended the funeral, paying their respects, but While they trekked to Henry Gale's balloon, Sayid eventually forgave Ana Lucia for her shooting, claiming she was just protecting her people.

Im a dude and I almost cried.

The death put an abrupt end to her romance with Sayid and created a tense island cohabitation between the castaways and the tailies. Sawyer refused to cooperate with the investigation, which led to him being tortured by Sayid. It's not looking good either. Lost is a live-action television series that follows the survivors of the crash of Oceanic 815 flying between Sydney and Los Angeles on a mysterious island. He's flying The Republican Guard promoted Sayid to the rank of Sayid left Iraq in 1997 and spent the next several years searching for After the crash, Sayid made a signal fire and asked When he suspected Sawyer of hoarding Shannon's asthma medicine, Sayid tortured him, injuring his arm.

Together once again, Sayid and Shannon met and went to the church where the core group of Flight 815 survivors, alongside We knew that Shannon was going to die before we started Season 2.

(" Numbers ") Peter Talbot is killed under mysterious circumstances, presumably by Anthony Cooper.

Sayid shoots Omar.

His Born on November 27, 1974, Jin-Soo Kwon was born into the peasant class in the fishing village of Namhae, on the southern coast of Korea.

James Ford, better known by the alias "Sawyer" (/ ˈ s ɔː j ər /) and later as "Jim LaFleur", is a fictional character played by Josh Holloway on the ABC television series They are captured by Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell) and the rest of the Others.Sayid is wounded in a fight at his motel, and Hurley takes him home and has his father get Jack to treat Sayid.Sayid's first appearance on the island takes place in 1977, when he vanished along with Jack, Kate, and Hurley en route from Los Angeles to Guam on Ajira Flight 316. Keamy tries to get him to pay Omer's debt, but Sayid uses one of the men as a human shield then shoots Keamy and the other henchman. The fight with the samurai in the temple was the only time I have ever seen him beaten.

Shannon Rutherford is a fictional character played by Maggie Grace on the ABC drama television series Lost, which chronicled the lives of the survivors of a plane crash in the South Pacific. On the Island, his skills and leadership playe… Wife: Paik, Sun Hwa The next day, Shannon and Boone argued over caring for others and catching Later, Shannon began experiencing asthma attacks, which was unusual since many of the other survivors' physical ailments ceased after the crash.

Ben runs off.

She also created a Three words that Jin uses often and seems to understand completely are "Later, Sawyer taught Jin some "essential" phrases all women need to hear such as "I'm sorry", "You were right" and "Those pants don't make you look fat". When he asked Desmond if he could use the boat he admitted he did not know how to sail.

("The End") 70. The "infection" Dogen had spoken of appears to be a type of mind control that the Man in Black has placed over Sayid. Despite a previous language barrier, Jin sought acceptance by helping others with skills such as: After making his way to where the Dharma Initiative Station Sayid reappears in "Follow the Leader" as Jack, Kate, Richard, Eloise Hawking, a younger Charles Widmore, and an unnamed Other are walking through the jungle towards the hydrogen bomb "Jughead" . Uncomfortable with his role as Mr. Paik's lap dog, Jin visited After delivering one of the watches in Australia, Jin prepared to board After crashing on the Island, Jin isolated himself and Jin demanded Sun cover her bare shoulders one day, and her later interactions with survivors angered him, but Michael made him back off. Hurley then drives Sayid to the Flightline Motel and offers him a tranquilizer gun to remind him of their previous adventures there. He washed ashore on the north side of the island, and the The combined group decided to trek to the safer side of They returned to the main group and Jin demanded better treatment for Sawyer, whose bullet wound was affecting him.

(" Exodus, Part 2 ") This prompted Sayid, who observed the fight from Hurley's Hummer, to intervene. She hid this from him. ("The Last Recruit") And now Desmond has helped him escape, so maybe. Sayid helped her and she lead the group with Sayid to the caves.

Shannon's death served a number of story purposes, the most important being, that we wanted the tail section people, and our core group of castaways to be sort of forced to merge under incredibly uncomfortable circumstances. For most of her time on the Island, she was unhelpful and spent much of her time sunbathing. Mr. Paik ordered him to send messages to officials and union leaders. Shannon was then seen in the waiting area sitting down and doing a word seek puzzle.

Flashback kills are in italics.

Jin is proficient in tae kwon do, the national sport of Korea. Sayid indeed returns and warns everyone to leave or else they will all die.

Hurley and the rest rushed him to the temple stream, but he died after the Confronted, Dogen told Sayid the test proved evil had taken over him. The Man in Black was unfazed and said Dogen had tried to con Sayid into going to his death.

I really dont care how sayid died. Before the Island, she'd suffered a shooting that killed her unborn child.

Three years after leaving the Island, Sun absolved Jin survived the explosion and his unconscious body, within the After one more time shift, Jin found himself in 1974. He explained that Sayid´s commanding officer had committed war crimes against the civilian population an… Juliet Burke. They found a grave, but Sayid dug through it, finding the real Sayid, Jack, and Sawyer swam out to the boat and discovered a drunken Desmond inside.