Visit the Mary Kay website's "Get Started" page. �۔I���O��]��.8z���y�c[�34l(gH�ƛI���]h�;o�bM�C��͚�(� �֑�+�"��"N Products are categorized and organized into easy to shop pages.

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Once you become a consultant you will need to place an order of $225 once every 3 months in order to maintain your active status and keep your 50% discount. This covers the cost of the starter kit that contains brochures, informational CDs and makeup samples. Consultants buy their inventory from Mary Kay at the wholesale cost, which is 50 percent of the suggested retail price. endobj The minimum wholesale first-time order is £130 plus tax and shipping.Find a Mary Kay consultant to become your sponsor.

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stream With a Mary Kay business, you can experience flexibility, fall in love with irresistible makeup and skin care, build lifelong friendships and strive to earn remarkable rewards such as the iconic pink Cadillac ® ! endstream So, I went ahead and coughed up more money toward inventory to secure my discount. To regain your 50% Earned Discount Privilege you will be required to purchase a new starter kit.

Ordering product is easily done on-line through -just click on the on-line ordering link. ��^����M��>�8��`�^�L�m6����v7Ӂ��U�/,�u���K;�7����� ��j4kk\T�����Ck� Be a Beauty Consultant Millions of women's lives have been enriched by the Mary Kay opportunity. "Mary Kay Inc. stands behind its products sold by our Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants. [ 25 0 R] �h3�����Ŧ���J��a��&��X�� �ツ���������~_ݲ�st����G��&R��ڼq���`�M1Ӽ��r�������牐�~*Bk�!5���ƦCc� �Wp��[����8�]z�I�Z���t��4l�. endobj Buy Online with a Beauty Consultant. 27 0 obj

• Digital marketing tools. endobj This number will consist of two letters and four numbers. List of the Pros of Being a Mary Kay Consultant 1. [ 9 0 R] "Sign your Mary Kay agreement.

As of 2010, this kit is £65 plus shipping and tax. Pay the fee for your starter kit.


endobj 50+ videos Play all Mix - Mary Kay Intouch How to start & finish a CDS ORDER YouTube MARY KAY INVENTORY OPTIONS TO NOT BREAK THE **UNBOXING** - … endobj Click "Submit Order" when you are done choosing products.Enter your mailing address, bank account or credit card information and the billing address of the payment method you selected. %���� If you fall inactive all you must do is place an order for $225 again to regain your active status and your discount. 25 0 obj #���S� �a�B����U~�����Q���7��- 2 0 obj Mary Kay made it clear that she did not like pushy salespeople.