4 pointsAccording to Ezra 4:17, what is the greeting at the beginning of the letter?According to Ezra 4:18, what was done with the letter sent to the king?According to Ezra 4:19, what actions were taken after the letter sent to the king was read?According to Ezra 4:19, what was discovered about Jerusalem when the king gave the command to have the records searched? If we look at this spiritually too, our bodies are the temple of God and when we try and do right and live by the fruit of the spirit, satanic things and people come against us as well and we must get up every morning praying and reading our bible so we can be equipped and ready to desern wrong spirits that come against us.

which brought us up hither--A very interesting explanation of this passage has been recently obtained from the Assyrian sculptures.

In your righteousness deliver me and rescue me semi: incline your ear to me and save me be to me and rock of refuge, a strong fortress, to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress psalm 71:1-3" Those who love me, I will deliver semi: I will protect those who know my name. They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers...""Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us..."Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen"I will remember their sins and lawlessness deeds no more "For Christ didn't enter a sanctuary made by human hands, a mere copy of the true one, but he entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf. "" Jesus' church, as found in Acts ch. Devil does not want us to know the love of God devil want us to be under his captivity. Also the story the first recorded case of incest between lot and his daughtersGenesis chapter 18 - Angel's Announce Abraham a NJ d Sarah will have a sonAudio reading of Genesis 18, prayer with questions for reflection Reading the story of the birth of Ishmael and the New Covenant Genesis 14&15 - Abram Rescues Lot and God's Covenant with AbramBible reading and Prayer with questions for reflection The story of Abram, Sarai and Lot with prayer and questions for reflection Bible reading about Noah and the Ark, with prayer and questions for reflection Genesis 5 & 6- Adam's Descendants to Noah and his SonsGenesis chapter 3 and prayer with questions for reflection Genesis Chapter One - 6 Days of Creation and the SabbathPsalm 137 -"By the Rivers od Babylon " and Psalm 138 " I Give You Thanks O Lord"Phillipians 1:3 "I Thank God for Every Remembrance "Psalm 125 - The Security of God's People and Psalm 126 - A Harvest of JoyPsalms 123 and 124- Supplication for Mercy and Thanksgiving for Deliverance Psalm 122 - Song of Praise and Prayer for Jerusalem Psalm 116 - Thanksgiving for Recovery from Illness Rahab the Prostitute and the Chance Encounter of Faith.

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2 Then they came to Zerubbabel, and to the chief of the fathers, and said unto them, Let us build with you: for we seek your God, as ye do; and we do sacrifice unto him since the days of Esarhaddon … Even with man as we shall see, the reward can be noxious. I thought it great how Zerubbabel was able to discerned the adversaries when they asked to help build the temple. Dr. Orton can be reached at drorton.gina@gmail.comForgetting what is behind and straining to what is aheadLive Your life in a Manner Worthy of the Gospel of Christ Rebellion of Sheba Against David and the Murder of Amasa by Joab Absalom Accepts the Advice of Hushai and the Suicide of Ahithophel David Dances Before the Lord bringing The Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem Abner Defects to David/ Joab Tricks Abner and Murders Him in Cold BloodFriendship and the Lessons we can learn from Jonathan and David David in the Cave of Abdullam / Paul Argues Before Festus and AgrippaDavid Eating Holy Bread and Pretending to be Mentally ill and Paul on Trial Before FelixKing Saul in a Prophetic Frenzt / Paul's Defense in Jerusalem Jealousy of Saul and Paul visiting James in Jerusalem Saul loses his blessing as king / Paul meets Apollos Saul and Jonathan/ Paul preaching in Berea, Thessaloniki and Athens Saul prays for Victory Without Samuel and Paul Meets Timothy and Lydia and Paul and Silas Singing atSamuel Warns Israel What to Expect from a King, Paul and Barnabas Seperate Saul Unifies Israel to Defend Itself and the Persecution of Paul and Barnabas The Arrest and Release of Peter from Prison and the Anointing of Saul as the first King of Israel 1st Samuel chapter 9 and Acts chapter 12 and Proverbs 21:12-13Peter Paul and Barnabas/ Ancient Israelites Demand a KingThe Stoning of Stephen/ Ark of the Covenant taken to Gath / Proverbs 21The Death of Eli, The Rise of Samuel and the Arrest of Stephen The Lord Calling Samuel/ Ananias Sapphira / Proverbs 21Peter and John are Arrested/ Prayer of Hannah/ Sons of Eli / Proverbs 21The Birth of Samuel, Peter and John Heal a Man Who Could not WalkJesus final instructions to Peter before ascending to heaven Jesus Appears to 7 Disciples by the Sea of Galilee The Interogation, crucifixion and Burial of Christ Deacons at Plymouth United Church of Christ Detroit Conversation with deacons regarding what it means to be a deacon The Gifts of Wisdom and the Woman Caught in the Act of Adultery False Attractions of Adultry and the Unbelief of Jesus BrothersDrink from Your Own Cistern and Jesus Healing on the Sabbath Advice From a Father to a Son and Jesus With the Samaritan Woman Introduction to John the Baptist and the wisdom of Proverbs Rewards for Obedience and Penalties for Disobedience Woman With a 12 Year Issue of Blood and Leviticus 15Pastor as Photographer \u000APastor as Photographer Interview with Dr. Denise Mallett and Atty. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. "Job chapter 4 - a friend of Job wonders if Job has committed a sin, The friends of Jo don't know what to make of his the illness, so they wonder is he suffering because he is committed a sin they don't know about.