0000396427 00000 n 0000240208 00000 n 0000263167 00000 n 0000402303 00000 n Eyebolts are made from higher tensile steel and, if screwed into the same strength material, would need only to engage for a length equal to that of a full nut. 0000244877 00000 n 0000017482 00000 n 0000245733 00000 n If they are used, they should only be loaded axially and clearly the stud they are screwed onto is a critical component in the connection. 0000006183 00000 n
They usually have a small diameter collar between the eye and the screw thread.However, this is not sufficient to support the eye if it is loaded at an angle to the thread axis.
The link can articulate in any direction within the eye. Waste & Materials Handling and Recycling Skips and BinsReady made posts and handrail kits for level surfacesReady-made handrails for mezzanine and platforms to BS EN ISO 14122-3:2016Safety Pallet Gate Systems in conformance with ISO 14122-3:2016Thern First Mate Series 5PF5 (Up to 385 kg capacity) Lifting Davit with Manual or Electric WinchThern Commander Series 5PT5 (Up to 295 kg kg capacity) Lifting Davit with Manual or Electric WinchThern Commander Series 5PT10 (Up to 544 kg capacity) Lifting Davit with Manual or Electric WinchThern Commander Series Model 5PT20 (Up to 907 kg capacity) Lifting Davit with Manual or Electric WinchThern Admiral Series 5PT30 (Up to 1361 kg capacity) Lifting Davit with Manual or Electric WinchThern Captain Series 5FT20 (Up to 907 kg) Stationary Lifting Davit Cranes with Manual or Electric WinchThern Captain Series 5FT25 (Up to 1270 kg) Stationary Lifting Davit Cranes with Manual or Electric WinchLifting Shearlegs and Confined Space Recovery TripodsSign up to our newsletter for all the latest offers 0000397002 00000 n 0000242349 00000 n 0000262952 00000 n 0000261855 00000 n 0000237600 00000 n ���m�?��$��'�����>�͠ߑ{���g�W$�n/�Q5��py��d�/���f=�b��nZ`}U�? 0000238027 00000 n 0000262425 00000 n 0000013143 00000 n 0000400576 00000 n
0000398790 00000 n 0000245667 00000 n
Working load limits for eye bolts are based on a straight vertical lift in a gradually increasing manner. Traditionally eye bolts were often fitted to their load and left in place for life, is regarded as part of the load. 0000249253 00000 n 0000007993 00000 n 0000266044 00000 n 0000244738 00000 n
0000246905 00000 n They are called dynamo eyebolts, which reflects their original application in early power generators.Prior to the introduction of a British Standard, dynamo eyebolts were manufactured to a wide range of ‘commercial’ patterns of varying quality. 0000320978 00000 n 0000247273 00000 n (��$jh���) 0000017511 00000 n
0000396707 00000 n Their rating and the alignment requirements are still those of a collar eyebolt.Note: for safe working load when used at angles please refer to safety instructions.For eyebolt, dimensions refer to BS 4278 tables 1 & 4The standard specified mild steel although other grades may be commercially available. Sometimes the hole they are screwed into is there specifically for the eyebolt.Alternatively, a hole which is primarily intended for some other purpose, such as a stud, can be utilised. 0000125288 00000 n Important: The working load limits on this page apply only to machinery eye bolts and machinery eye bolts with shoulders.The working load limits for regular forged eye bolts can be found on our Forged Eye Bolt Working Load Limits page..
0000013645 00000 n 0000168882 00000 n 0000249883 00000 n 0000243321 00000 n 0000246721 00000 n 0000145294 00000 n 0000241833 00000 n The screwed length is therefore extended to compensate. As such cost was a more important consideration than performance characteristics like fatigue life.Dynamo Eyebolts - For Axial loads only (NOT TO BE USED FOR ANGLED LIFTS)By also reducing the size of the eye, it keeps the leverage to a minimum. 0000403479 00000 n
Ensure the eye bolt is bolted down flush to the surface! 134 LIFTING YOUR BUSINESS TO A HIGHER LEVEL Din Standard 580 H H1 D1 W D2 D D3 M16 C 1 5 W 601008 L L 1. 0000248216 00000 n