He throws himself at girls and causes tension in the halls. Doug presumes they are on a date and when it becomes clear he is not over his ex-girlfriend, Jodie tells him she is not interested in him romantically. She screams for Jack and Frankie but Jono has already died in her arms. Ste reveals to Declan that he is gay. Carmel goes to Cindy and Tony with this information, and Cindy devises a plan to have him arrested as he picks up the money from her. Jono reveals that he and Maddie will be joining the Hollyoaks Sixth Form College in September. Never happier than when he's enjoying the footie and a pint down the pub with his mates (especially Barney, one of our fave Hollyoaks bromances), you won't find him indulging in any wild behaviour – that's just not his style!Demba told a reporter from Impact Magazine that Scott is "your average guy" who is not very wild and likes a pint of beer. Scott's grandmother Scott continues to date Annalise and in the summer the group decide to look for new accommodation. For revenge, Will injected Cindy with a large dose of morphine, causing her to be hospitalised. The following is a list of characters who first appeared or were due to appear in the British In December 2010, it was announced that Suzanne Hall would be reprising her role of Suzanne.In January 2011, Suzanne returns from Spain heavily pregnant and tells Darren that she is expecting his twin babies.

The pair have a casual fling, much to the annoyance of the rest of the McQueen household. It is then revealed that Scott failed his first year of university and so he decides to leave and go travelling.

Carmel and Francis talk about leaving their chosen paths in order to be together but Carmel comes to the conclusion that Francis was sent to test her faith and decides not to go with him. "Ladies man, the next "Lewis Button", all-round player, Neil is all of these things and more...or so he would have us believe! Jodie tells Texas that she actually likes her. The following day, after going to Carmel to beg for forgiveness, Francis reveals to her that he is a conman and that his real name is Nathan Harker. Mark "Dodger" Savage (born Mark Blake) is a fictional character from the British Channel 4 serial drama, Hollyoaks, played by Danny Mac. After the accident he thinks that Dirk also has more tragedy when Dr. S'avage dies seven months after the death of his son Will, killed by the Gloved Hand Killer. Dodger is played as being a bit "cocky" and as thinking he has "got it all". He stayed in a In August 2018 it was announced that Tracini will reprise his role as Dennis. The band consists of lead singer Danny Lawrence and fellow members Laurence Saywood, Louis Souyave, Matt Gill, Sam Fordham.
Dirk does visit Will in prison, but he says he wants nothing more to do with him. His parents are away on a skiing strip. A year later, Liberty mentions Will to In March 2011, it was announced that Liberty's family would be introduced to Dirk arrives with his family and squats in the McQueen household. In his old life he never really fitted in anywhere, he was always on the outskirts of circles, he never had anywhere to belong. Atkins said that she is "quite controlling" and the only reason Rob is at university.In November 2011, it was announced that Rob would be involved in a storyline in which he is run over by Rob arrives at HCC with Annalise and meets his flatmates Barney, Will and Scott. He introduces himself as a new priest looking for help raising funds for Orphans in Africa. Their identity has yet to be revealed. They do never follow through with it because of their faith. A year later, Will wrote to Dirk from prison, asking Dirk to visit him. Jodie is a straight-talking girl - and we're sure that while she's studying at HCC University she'll be causing a stir...Manning said that Jodie is "different" to most females because she can "switch on and off", which makes her popular with men as she sets their "hearts racing". However, Will was revealed to be awake after Dirk said that he wished Will was dead. Will escaped by knocking out a police guard and dressed up as a fireman. Annalise is there to use everything the uni offers and get the most out of her experience and not on a social level which means she often clashes with her housemates.Annalise arrives at HCC with Rob and meets her flat share students Annalise's feelings for Scott grow and he tells her that she needs to decide who she wants to be with. Heart attack after being injected with potassium chloride by Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Annalise grows close to Scott and decides to end her relationship with Rob.