You can find the most accurate information for the route Porterville CA - Bakersfield CA by clicking here. Porterville is a city in the San Joaquin Valley, in Tulare County, California, United States.
View 263 homes for sale in Porterville, CA at a median listing price of $253249. GoTicketio struggles to keep its database with updated information, but for accuracy of schedules, number of stops, travel time and price of bus tickets from Bakersfield to Porterville, you have to ask directly to the bus company you want to travel from Bakersfield to Porterville. Porterville's population was 54,165 at the 2010 census. Buy cheap bus tickets online from Bakersfield to Porterville, CA and travel with Greyhound, Megabus and others. The city's July 2019 population (not including East Porterville) was estimated at 59,599.
Porterville, CA Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics. Should I fly or drive from Porterville, CA to Bakersfield, CA? Train from Bakersfield CA to Tucson AZ. Step 2.
Give it a try. We recommend that you contact the company where you bought the ticket to get a solution.In Goticket we try to give a solution for every trip the user asks.
The city's population grew dramatically as the city annexed many properties and unincorporated areas in and around Porterville.
The information GoTicketio provides its costumers about the bus from Bakersfield to Porterville is not official.According to our database, the best route to go from If you want to get cheap bus tickets from Bakersfield to Porterville we recommend that you book in advance as the best ACN Autobuses, Greyhound tickets sell out fast.The cheapest ticket is usually $8 and the most expensive one to go to Porterville is approximately $20.45. You can always modify it and make the number more applicable for your journey.Choose a place to stay while traveling from Porterville, CA to Bakersfield, CA. view. Browse MLS listings in Porterville and take real estate virtual tours at®. $51.
Tucson, AZ (TUS) 17h 38m. More information on All bus routes from Bakersfield, CA to Porterville, CA and return. Train Bakersfield - Porterville Information about the bus from Bakersfield to Porterville. Frequently asked questions. How long does it take to drive? Please note that this information about the bus from Bakersfield to Porterville is approximate.
Flight distance is approximately 48 miles (77 km) and flight time from Porterville, CA to Bakersfield, CA is 05 minutes.Don't forget to check out our "Gas cost calculator" option. How long does it take to fly?
(plus the time it takes to you to make: Delano -> Porterville).We use cookies to improve our web services. Sometimes is not possible but we do our best to group different direct routes to in order to create a multi-step journey that satisfies the user.
Book your tickets with the best fares and compare the bus schedules.
The travel length between Bakersfield and Porterville takes by bus around 2 hours and 44 minutes, and the approximate price for a bus ticket between Bakersfield and Porterville is $8.
36 minutes.
Amtrak. With the route we propose, it will take approximately 2h 44m .Remember that you must also add the cost of the journey: Delano -> PortervilleThe companies that can help you are: ACN Autobuses, Greyhound.Each company has its rules and depending on the ticket, price, and offer different refund policies apply. This is the route we recommend:: The approximate distance between the two places is 89 km. The service was creates to calculate distance between US cities with gas calculation and weather © 2014-2019 All rights © 2014-2019 All rights reserved.Your journey from Porterville, CA to Bakersfield, CA by car will take:
Travel time from Porterville, CA to Bakersfield, CA.
There are lots of options to choose from. How far is it from Porterville, CA to Bakersfield, CA?
Driving distance from Porterville, CA to Bakersfield, CA is 51 miles (81 km). Route from Bakersfield, CA to Porterville, CA.
"Gas Cost Calculator" tool is to your right.
Porterville is a city in the San Joaquin Valley, in Tulare County, California, United States.It is part of the Visalia-Porterville metropolitan statistical area..
Check the bus schedule of all companies and find your cheap ticket on CheckMyBus. How can I get cheap train tickets to go from Porterville to Tucson? Since its incorporation in 1902, the city's population has grown as it annexed nearby unincorporated areas. 54 minutes. It's a 57 minutes drive by car. We also offer Car Rental widget for your particular journey.
Driving distance from Porterville, CA to Bakersfield, CA is To travel the distance from Porterville, CA to Bakersfield, CA, please, click on the map to see the route for the journey. Find out how many hours from Porterville to Bakersfield by car if you're planning a road trip.
The travel length between Bakersfield and Porterville takes by bus around 2 hours and 44 minutes, and the approximate price for a bus ticket between Bakersfield and Porterville is $8. Bakersfield, CA (BFD) 8:28 am. 1:50 pm. If you continue browsing, we consider that you agree to its use.
Driving directions, Distance, Fuel cost (gasoline, diesel), Consumption, Map, Mileage, Trip by car, Alternatives Routes