If the target has over 2000 Health, your ability bonus damage scales up. Kill or Assist Lane Minions or Enemy gods to gain stacks. +10 Physical Power +30 Magical Power 6% of your Mana from items is converted to Magical Power. +10% Cooldown Reduction Kill or Assist Lane Minions or Enemy gods to gain stacks. +2 MP5 Per 10% Missing Mana +10 Physical Power At 75 Stacks Hunter's Blessing Evolves, gaining 15% Attack Speed and an additional 15 Bonus Basic Attack Damage.PASSIVE - You gain +20% additional Movement Speed after leaving the Fountain. Mana +18%. +2 MP5 Per 10% Missing Mana At 4 Stacks your next Ability that damages an enemy God will deal bonus damage equal to 30% of your Magical power to each God hit, and will heal yourself and allies within 20 units for 40% of your Magical Power and will consume the 4 stacks.PASSIVE - Your first ability cast gains 10% Magical Penetration. Cooldown - 160s.PASSIVE - On successful hit of an Ability you gain 1 stack. Cooldown - 120s.Using this item restores 75 Health + 12 Health per level and 30% Mana to all Allied gods within 35 units. Physical Power +20%. Lane Minions are worth 1 Stack and Enemy gods are worth 5 Stacks. At 75 Stacks Mage's Blessing Evolves, gaining 10% Cooldown Reduction.PASSIVE - You permanently gain 10 Mana per Stack, and receive 5 Stacks for a god kill and 1 Stack for a minion kill (max. Lane Minions are worth 1 Stack and Enemy gods are worth 5 Stacks. Kill or Assist Lane Minions or Enemy gods to gain stacks. Lane Minions are worth 1 Stack and Enemy gods are worth 5 Stacks. Cooldown - 160s.PASSIVE - Every 10s the Pendant activates, subtracting 1s from all of your abilities currently on Cooldown. Kill or Assist Lane Minions or Enemy gods to gain stacks. +2 MP5 Per 10% Missing Mana The initial countdown will not start until you leave the fountain.PASSIVE - Basic Attacks and Abilities gain 25% additional Magical Power against targets below 50% Health.PASSIVE - Your abilities deal an additional 2% of the target's maximum Health as Magical Damage. +10 Physical Power Da Ji Build and Guide for Epic Gamers (Updated for 7.7) (73% winrate in over 400 matches this season wowie) (not clickbait) (how long can i make this) by ConspiracyPizza - 1 month ago. If the target has over 2000 Health, your ability bonus damage scales up. Cooldown - 160s.Using this item applies a shield to himself and allies within 35 units for 100 Health + 12 Health per God Level for 3 seconds.
You may still move. +30 Magical Power Smite's Thoth season 6 builds page. The Stats remain stolen for 45s and targets affected can have multiple Buffs and Debuffs at once. Cooldown - 120s.PASSIVE - Whenever you damage an enemy god with an ability you mark them to take 7.5% increased damage from all sources. You may still move. Cooldown - 180s.+10 Bonus Ability Damage Cancelling this Ability now costs 30 Mana. ROLE QUEST: MID At 75 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 3% extra Mana to Power conversion.PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your abilities have 40% reduced healing and regeneration for 8 seconds.PASSIVE - If you receive a kill or assist on an Enemy God all of your cooldowns are reduced by 2 seconds.PASSIVE - Every 10s the Pendant activates, subtracting 1s from all of your abilities currently on Cooldown. The initial countdown will not start until you leave the fountain.PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your abilities have 40% reduced healing and regeneration for 8 seconds.PASSIVE - Whenever you damage an enemy god with an ability you mark them to take 7.5% increased damage from all sources. ROLE QUEST: MID This effect lasts for 7s and can only occur once every 15s.PASSIVE - Your abilities deal an additional 2% of the target's maximum Health as Magical Damage. +2 MP5 Per 10% Missing Mana You may still move. Physical Penetration. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. +30 Magical Power The initial countdown will not start until you leave the fountain.PASSIVE - Your abilities deal an additional 2% of the target's maximum Health as Magical Damage. Kill or Assist Lane Minions or Enemy gods to gain stacks. At 15 Stacks Warrior's Blessing Evolves, gaining +15 Physical and Magical Protection.+15 Basic Attack Damage At 75 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 3% extra Mana to Power conversion.PASSIVE - Every 10s the Pendant activates, subtracting 1s from all of your abilities currently on Cooldown. Cooldown - 160s.Using this item makes you invulnerable to damage and healing for 1.5s, and prevents you from taking any actions. 6% of your Mana from items is converted to Magical Power. At 75 Stacks Mage's Blessing Evolves, gaining 10% Cooldown Reduction.Using this item removes Crowd Control Effects and makes you immune to new ones for 2s. Cooldown - 180s.+10 Bonus Ability Damage +10 Physical Power +2 MP5 Per 10% Missing Mana +10 Physical Power +30 Magical Power Loli is Life - EU. +10 Physical Power
Lane Minions are worth 1 Stack and Enemy gods are worth 5 Stacks. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.PASSIVE - Your first ability cast gains 10% Magical Penetration.
Cooldown - 160s.PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your abilities have 40% reduced healing and regeneration for 8 seconds.PASSIVE - Whenever you damage an enemy god with an ability you mark them to take 7.5% increased damage from all sources. Cooldown - 160s.Using this item makes you invulnerable to damage and healing for 1.5s, and prevents you from taking any actions. +10 Physical Power Kill or Assist Lane Minions or Enemy gods to gain stacks. +10 MP5 Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. This effect reaches a maximum of 7% Maximum Health damage at 2750 Health. Lane Minions are worth 1 Stack and Enemy gods are worth 5 Stacks.