Overruled means that the question or answer stands.What does it mean when they say "Objection" and "Sustained" in court?When i am watching tv shows i hear the lawyers say "Objection" a lot and then the judge will say "Overruled" or "Sustained". It's no longer viewed as a sin because it's "popular". Those same scriptures also clearly taught the law of moses but from that simple law hundred of little laws were implemented by the pharasees and Saducees. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Define objection. b. "Now that court proceedings are routinely recorded, many states have removed the exception requirement, which was intended to make sure there was a written record of the exception to the court's ruling in case of appeal.It's fairly simple, scripture alone always becomes "Whatever I want it to mean." n. 1. a. To keep in existence; maintain, continue, or prolong: sustain an effort. In court (specifically during trial) there are rules of evidence. The judge then evaluates the objection and decides whether it is overruled or sustained.When a lawyer objects, he or she is challenging the inclusion of a question or an answer in testimony.
When an objection is sustained, the lawyer must rephrase the question or otherwise address the issue with the evidence to ensure that …
They did have scriptures that clearly taught right from wrong. What do these mean?Sustained: means the judge agrees with the objection and the witness does not have to answer the question.Overruled: means the judge does not agree with the objection and the witness must answer.TV/movie lawyers rarely use objections properly, and TV/movie judges rarely rule properly on the objections.In a trial, there are rules of evidence that apply. You need prophets, people who speak directly for God and can interpret the scriptures correctly. That example shows that you cannot just have scripture alone. :) “Overruled” and “sustained” are said by the judge, not the lawyers. says that yes, the other lawyer is breaking the rules, or overrules it - says that he isn't.What do you think of the answers? objection synonyms, objection pronunciation, objection translation, English dictionary definition of objection. Because they interpret the scriptures to whatever they want. Alot of christians arn't too christians anymore. 2. a. Continuing objection. When an objection is overruled it means that the evidence is properly admitted to the court, and the trial can proceed. If the objection is sustained, and the testimony or object was already aired in court, the judge will order the jury to disregard the evidence. When christ came he ripped their laws apart with simple scriptures and stories. That these facts should not be taken into account. Objection means that the lawyers have a problem with the facts someone is saying. It's really pathetic.It means one lawyer - the one who said "Objection" - is objecting to the question just asked of the witness by the other lawyer on the grounds that the question violates some rule of evidence, or that the witness's answer will. An objection means a lawyer is saying the other lawyer is violating a rule of evidence. What do these mean?A lawyer objects when he believes that the other lawyer is breaking the rules. I know from experience from talking to many christians that abstinence is not practiced any longer.

Just like prophets did throught the bible, they corrected the interpretation of scriptures by other followers. They believe in christ but don't follow his commandments or teachings. Objection! To keep up (a joke or assumed role, for example) competently. Sometimes the lawyer will add a brief word or phrase identifying why he objects, such as "Objection - irrelevant"'; other times he will assume that the question is so clearly objectionable that the judge will understand why he is objecting. The judge either answers "Sustained," meaning that he agrees with the objecting lawyer that the question is improper and his objection is sustained, or "Overruled," meaning that he disagrees with the objecting lawyer and the question is allowed, in other words he overrules the lawyer's objection. To supply with necessities or nourishment; provide for: the income needed to sustain a family.

The judge either sustains the objection - i.e. Most of the christian churches did. Yet now that sex is so "accepted" and people who are prominscious are almost looked upon as more advanced than those who value tradiation, how much is it taught and valued in the majority of christian churches now?

Definition of OBJECTION SUSTAINED: term that is often heard in court where the judge agrees with the objection of the attorney. Then the Pharasees and Saducees didn't follow the law of moses because they were so focused on following the laws they had made up that showed the rest of the world how religous they were.

The judge either answers "Sustained," meaning that he agrees with the objecting lawyer that the question is improper and his objection is sustained, or "Overruled," meaning that he disagrees with the objecting lawyer and the question is allowed, in other words he overrules the lawyer's objection.I think overruled means the subject that someone has just raised will be ignored and not put in the record and sustained means that it will be put on the record.