The company that manufactured them, Galoob, received 170 complaints before recalling them. You'd slide the loop onto one ankle, and have it swing around your feet in circles, hopping over it every time it passed your other leg — or else you'd trip and fall, or whack yourself with it.

figures were a match for anything a galaxy far, far away could spawn.If you were fortunate enough to have Bruce Sato’s rig Rhino, congratulations – some of us had to settle for Brad Turner’s tiny little helicopter.These Japanese mechanoid animals and dinos were for kids who found Lego that little bit limiting.Sadly, the BraveStarr action figures were as lame as the cartoon. Duran Duran . Things from the 70's and 80's that no longer exist... and you miss them. Buy a cuddly toy, of course!From their, frankly, inadvisable name to their questionable modus operandi (tiny planes slide over the fingers of children), Ring Raiders truly earned their place at the bottom of the toy box.If only my toy box had been big enough to stuff this abomination to the bottom of it.Even the creators of this disgusting creature recognised he was the second coming of Frankenstein’s monster. 17 Stores From Your Childhood That No Longer Exist. 5.
As mean gamer Lucas professes to Fred Savage: He wasn’t lying. Created in 1913, they were just sets of metal beams of various sizes, nuts, and bolts that kids could build whatever they wanted with. That’s certainly the case with the awkward Gobots, which beat Transformers on to the shelves in the mid-80s, only to be driven over by Optimus Prime once kids had realised which of the two competing toy lines was worth coveting.The disappointment of a parent coming home and handing you a Gobot instead of an Autobot is something I cannot fully express 30 years later, nor do I wish to revisit that anguish.That theme tune still chills me to the bone 30 years later. Some of this might be for the better, like discontinuing Clackers, but others toys are still sorely missed, like Pound Puppies.
Check out their commercial.These annoying anthropomorphic animal playthings encouraged children to eschew all individual thought and go with the overarching will of the group. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation.But not all toys have stood the test of time in that way.From favorite toys that have undergone significant changes rendering them almost unrecognizable, like Skip-Its and Erector Sets, to toys that were actually found to be unsafe, like Sky Dancers and Clackers, keep scrolling to find out which ones we still miss dearly.HitClips were mini stereos that came with little memory-card like cartridges that played 60-second clips of your favorite songs.

20th Century Fox