The data is sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, compiled by population experts and funded by the local council, so you can be confident when using the figures that they are up to date and accurate.The websites show how the population has changed from1991 to 2011 (latest Census). The trend graph represents the population percentage of ‘daily smokers’ in Northland (aged 15 years and over) between 2014 and 2017. Population across Northland Activity Area is recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in their Census collections every five years, and also in estimates in between Census periods. Department of Statistics. Northland (Subzone, Singapore) with population statistics, charts, map and location. Find the latest population of Northland Activity Area and other demographic information in an accurate, up-to-date, website.Population across Northland Activity Area is recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in their Census collections every five years, and also in estimates in between Census periods.Population experts, .id take these raw figures and present them in a series of websites which you can access here.

You are viewing this page without javascript. The population of Northland was estimated at 175,400 people in 2017. Links are provided to these where available. For some areas population forecasts are also available. 2013 Census QuickStats about a place give you an overview of New Zealand's communities. .id community is an evidence-base for over 250 local government areas in Australia and New Zealand, helping you make informed decisions.Access hundreds of free demographic and economic resources to help you make informed decisions.

You are viewing this page without javascript. Overall, the region has experienced a 6% population growth since 2013 (164,700).

Get information on topics such as age and sex, cultural diversity, qualifications, income, and housing. How many people live in an area, what are their characteristics, how are they changing and how do they compare to other areas?Data for Northland Activity Area includes age structure, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, income, qualifications, occupations, employment, unemployment, disability, disadvantage, volunteering, childcare, family structure, household structure, housing tenure, mortgage and rental payments, and the size and type of the dwellings people live in.

.id community is an evidence-base for over 250 local government areas in Australia and New Zealand, helping you make informed decisions.Access hundreds of free demographic and economic resources to help you make informed decisions. This report explores how Northland’s population’s marital status is changing—and how the data compares to the United States as a whole.

The data is sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, compiled by population experts, .id and funded by the local council, so you can be confident when using the figures that they are up to date and accurate.These websites convert detailed population data into stories of place. Get this from a library!

Northland/Auckland regional report.. [New Zealand. Latest information. More recent figures are available for local government areas, but not for individual suburbs.

Statistics / Tourism The Northland Tourism Statistics Update includes the Commercial Accommodation Monitor (CAM), guest nights and Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates (Spend). Population experts, .id take these raw figures and present them in a series of websites which you can access here.

Population statistics for Northland Activity Area can be found for the period 1991 to 2011 (latest Census) in a series of demographic websites. For some areas population forecasts and economic information are also available.The data in simple, clear tables, maps and charts with concise factual commentary for use by community groups, investors, business, students and the general public. ;]

2018 Census place summaries has the most up-to-date information about where you live.

Daily smokers are defined as current smokers who smoke every day, and have smoked more than 100 cigarettes in their whole life. This replaces 2013 Census QuickStats about a place.. 2013 Census .

Northland Tourism Statistics Update. The American Community Survey (ACS) conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, publishes detailed estimates of Northland's population each year, subdivided by a wide variety of characteristics—including their marital status.

1991 census of population and dwellings. Over half (51%) of the region’s population resides in the Whangarei district. Northland township North Dakota Population Charts According to the most recent demographics data available from the Census Bureau released in December of 2015, Figure 1 Northland township North Dakota shows it has 63 population which is the 2nd smallest population of all the other places in the area. Northland Activity Area population statistics including population, dwellings, age, employment, ethnicity, religion, income in an accurate, up-to-date, website.Population statistics for Northland Activity Area can be found for the period 1991 to 2011 (latest Census) in a series of demographic websites.