Drunvalo Melchizadek's idea that through the years to 2012, there will be a movement to feminine led consciousness which will last through to the end of the next 13,000 year cycle. I definitely agree that there is some back story to the lyrics most likely involving this Jungian Theory stuff, but that does not connect to Maynard at all, and we are not going to connect to it through the Jungian Theory either. As Danny Carey said in the interview, they have their meaning, and then they build the song to allow for our own interpretations.
Oberones was just posting Jung's theory. Currently we are at 44+2 chromosomes. Mike from U.s.a.@david wheatley, absolutely agree, this is a piece of … They are all connected to a single consciousness that moves through all of them. Just thought I'd put that out there. This is the third level of five of consciousness according to Frissell.. Maynard Keenan expresses that he intends to reach that next level of consciousness which he rightly calls 46+2, relating to the Forty-Six and 2 chromosomes that are foreseen by Drunvalo in his book The Serpent Of Light. 46 & 2 would give us a total of 48.
Melchizedek believed that the human body will eventually reach a state when there'll be 48 chromosomes (46 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes) instead of usual 46 (44 and 2 consequently). In response to Folkie I can understand why this theory is offensive and racist.
is there a scientific study that shows that aboriginies have 44 chromosomes? I realize this is fourteen years too late, but for the sake of anyone looking into the meaning behind the lyrics to one of TOOL's most arcane masterpieces, please take note:
like society politics and religion. And perhaps he meant ancient Aboriginies? There might be a few African tribes left like this. I think everyone in this should listen to "Lateralus" from the same-titles album... You guys are overthinking everything. (Currently, we have 44 and 2.) A star in the '60s, this collaboration helped revive her career.
Blame Jung, not Oberones.
Fantastic analysis of this song, it really makes sense now. Located directly on Eldridge Parkway, less than one mile from 1-10 and one mile from Westheimer. i think that by "stepping through my shadow" is what he wanted the world to do. i think that this song refers to bill hicks and the way he thought everything should change. Australian aboriginies have 46 like all other humans Fail on spelling "planet" wrong by the way. Some of the ideas behind this song are based on the teachings of the spiritual explorer Drunvalo Melchizedek.
I found the analysis very interesting by the way, even though I don't agree with Jungian theory. Tell TaintedDeity he can stop being a dick now. They are like cells in the body. Did anyone every stop to think that Maynards twisted mind is so twisted that he would write a simple song so that everyone would misinterpret it?
Dont get hung up on human made labels. When you free your mind, your ass may follow, but you have to make sure someone else doesn't program it while it's wide open.The head of Drake's estate shares his insights on the late folk singer's life and music.
Are they named after something naughty? But it's grossly unfair to blast Oberones for simply explaining what the theory is. Freeworld Entertainment label made the promotional release of this song. Just like Darrin was replaced on Bewitched, groups have swapped out original members, hoping we wouldn't notice. I also see a third reference of the Bible verse Psalm 46:2. 22 of those pairs are autosomes and the sex chromosomes are different in males and females, either xx or xy. Stop over-thinking and over-analyzing, because it separates the body from the mind. Thank you for your input. Psalm 46:2 reads: