CatDog find themselves in the dog pound because Dog urinated on the dogcatcher's leg. Dog chases the sheep, where they return to the trailer they belong to. Dog goes under the truck.

S2 E12. Cat gets Dog back to the truck telling him that he and the sheep needs him.

Subtitles. Cat poses as an ace surfer to woo a pretty Surfer Girl, who promises to be his queen if he can surf the "big" wave. Cat tells Dog that he has a purpose in life without Cat involved. CatDog go on their very first ski run, causing havoc and mayhem on the slopes. Dog gets a serious case of the sneezes. Dog grabs on to his homemade kite as it flies away, dragging Cat with him./CatDog form a rock band in order to compete in the Nearburg Battle of the Bands.
As Dog let's go, CatDog falls into the sheep. CatDog go on their very first ski run, causing havoc and mayhem on the slopes. But when Dog shrugs and tells Cat that it was an accident, Cat, still angry, cheekily grabs and throws the engine of Dog's train at the door, and when it hits it, the engine breaks apart, much to a surprised Dog's astonishment. Cliff the Greaser Dog leaves his baby niece in Cat's care. Dog opens the jars which contain Cat's extra eight lives, and sets all the ghostly Cat-like apparitions free to wreak havoc all over Nearburg. It's A Wonderful Half Life / Shepherd Dog. A truckload of sheep crashes near the CatDog house, and Dog … Both are angered by the rude comments they gave to each other, so they both wished they were never attached to each other. All rights reserved.

By viewing our video content you are accepting the terms Nearburg. After having their dream, they finally make up their quarrel. Feb 15, 1999. While looking through Winslow's telescope, CatDog become convinced that a big, black cloud is foretelling the rain to end all rains. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Maggie praises Dog for putting her sheep back to the truck and wants him to guide her sheep.

Rancid Rabbit comes to CatDog and says that he is going to tear down the CatDog house in order to build a freeway. The train is going too fast for the curve, but is unable to stop, so as it blows its whistle, it jumps the tracks and crashes into the mansion... and even knocks down the background.
When Winslow sees that the two are angry, he warns them not to go to bed mad, and just as he closes his door, Catdog just toss the remanence of Cat's dream house and Dog's train at his door.

CatDog find out that Cliff is taking ballet lessons. cat dog is next level humor. To save money on electric bills, Cat hooks the hyperkinetic Dog up to a treadmill in order to create his own juice. He tells the woman driving the truck that he is trying to sleep. CatDog are the favorite to win the Forest Fire Boy Of the Year Award, but first they must win their camping badge.CatDog find themselves in the dog pound because Dog urinated on the dogcatcher's leg. Cat grabs the part back, and tells Dog that it was only a model, before he calls Dog a nincompoop. CatDog take over a paper route after Dog chases the paper boy, again, and he quits. July 26, 1999. Cat is very cross that Dog had wrecked his model dream house with his train. Fed up with each other, Cat and Dog dream that they are separate creatures, never having met. Fed up with each other, Cat and Dog dream that they are separate creatures, never having met. Later that night, the Greasers, now homeless and warming themselves by a barrel fire in an alleyway in the city after being fired by Cat, plan to get their revenge on Cat by singing Meanwhile, Dog and the three other dogs he was playing with earlier are now sitting by a fire tossing cards into Dog's derby. Under Dog's guidance, the sheep performs "Can Can." Dunglap hires Dog to eat his homework so he can truthfully use the excuse, "My Dog Ate My Homework." Nickelodeon produced the series from Burbank, California.

This is a great set for CatDog fans!! Dogs of this type are considered as the most smart among quadrupeds. at them, making them leave, much to his devious delight. Dog Power/It's a Jungle In Here. CatDog are sleeping in their bedroom.

The German Shepherd dog is synonymous with intelligence. Ersatz magician The Amazing Ray saws CatDog in half, then is arrested and taken to jail.While playing sandlot baseball, Dog is a superstar, but Cat is humiliated. Dog discovers that the lamb is Cat.

Cat and Dog practice their cha-cha moves for the upcoming Nearburg Dance Fiesta.Dog drags Cat to see "Mean Bob in Space, Part 12" for the 73rd time.

Sillybells, who leads the recruits in Drill Sergeant manner./Dog wins a goldfish at the county fair, which he names Veronica.

When it reaches that time, he looks from his window. Before the show was announced on Nick as a "new dog cat show" with no preview scenes until the pilot after the Kid's Choice Awards in April 1998, it was briefly "leaked" on Nickelodeon Magazine as a simple picture of the Catdog character in a side vertical advertisement of a Nicktoons soundtrack CD some months prior to it's first ever airing (though the title was not shown). 34 "The House of CatDog" July 29, 1999 () When Rancid wants to tear down CatDog's house to build a freeway, CatDog explains the … As Dog tells Cat that they were just having fun, Cat just furiously yells "Get out!" After truck finishes its climb it bounces few times. At the first meeting, Dog dresses up like a Cat.

This dog was not too happy with the presence of strangers. Dog tells the sheep to return to the field. In this episode, Dog gets a job herding sheep for a Scottish woman. As CatDog go to bed, they still mutter angrily about each other as they're beating their pillows, then start to fight over the blanket and end up ripping it in half, and that was when their dreams begin.