(/spoiler)Yes, he's dead.

He reminds me a lot of Zuko because of this. No, but I do feel that Jet - who was not a very likeable character to begin with - was a matyr who carried with his speculative death the combined near-deaths of all the other times in the series where the material could have gotten nasty.I hate to kill your nostalgic feels, friend, but yeah. Just like how I enjoyed seeing Azula's humanity, I enjoy seeing the dark side of Jet.I think it was a good episode for Sokka too because it shows him being a good leader who trusts his instincts and isn't afraid to call someone out.
All are themes that could have been dealt with in a very different way had the show taken some leaps into a more mature demographic.Am I saying bloodbenders should be exploding bodies into a fountain of blood like some sleazy direct-to-video mid 90's anime import? Press J to jump to the feed. Find communities you're interested in, and become part of an online community! It's one of those episodes that deals with darker themes, in this case extremism/terrorism, not to mention how Jet's group is compromised entirely of children who were orphaned by the Fire Nation, and Jet's own parents were murdered when he was 8-years old...I can see why people dislike Jet as a character though; he's an extremist, he beat and robbed a harmless old man, he tried to murder an entire village, and he manipulated and used Katara to his own ends.Sheep mentality. Log in sign up. They can't really show an explicit death, but they can get pretty dang close to it via implication.The implication seemed to have been that Longshot pulled his bow out to shoot Jet and put him out of his misery with dignity instead of watching him suffer and linger in agony until he eventually would have died anyway.Even Toph's dialogue was a giveaway that Jet's time was ticking away though. As a kid I always loved that episode. I thought it was really suspicious at the end of that scene when it was Jet laying in pain with Smellerbee and Longshot with him when the gaang leaves. He’s kinda a jerk. First he tries to murder a town of people, and later accuses Zuko and Iroh of being firebenders without having any proof. Also, in the Avatar Extras for "The Ember Island Players", a commentary bubble stated, "For the record: Jet is dead. He was even far more interesting when he returned in Book 2 and in my opinion this whole brainwashing plot with him was great and very emotional, as was his death scene.What do you guys think of Jet? As funny as the “Did Jet just die?” bit was I really do think there was a lot of potential for drama with Zuko finding out that Jet died and how he died . were probably fading already by that point.While I agree on the Toph comment, if you look closely at Longshot, he wasn't aiming the bow at Jet. It was clichéd that Katara automatically has a crush on Jet and trusts him over Sokka. Because people at the start hated him so now everyone else does. This episode also gives us a couple neat & quirky characters like Smellerbee and Longshot and The Duke and Pipsqueak, all of whom reappear in later episodes.This episode also shows us how easily we as people can be deceived by others we think are honest and good. I think in one of the interviews with the creators, they said that they had the intention of killing him off but Nickelodeon didn't want them showing a child being killed and that was the best way to do it. He said he was okay, but Toph can read people's vitals with seismic sense. It was okay but no series is without at least a couple mediocre episodes. I mean both, the episode and the character. The "Sokka's instincts" part is fucking hilarious too.And when we see Jet again it's kind of sad that he can't let everything go with Zuko and Iroh no matter how hard he tries. Sure, the "kids fighting adults" theme was a bit cheap and unrealistic but i think Jets flawed morals definitely were one of the more interesting and especially more realistic characteristics in Book 1. Too many cliche things going on. What do you guys thing?Yes, I believe that he died. I am interested in understanding if the JET program gave any of you JET alumini-turned grad students-a leeway into graduate studies, particularly in public policy and international affairs.

I am extremely interested in the JET program, but I also want to pursue a Master's in Public Policy (MPP) or International Relations.
This is the subreddit for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, the comics, the upcoming Netflix live action ATLA series, and all other Avatar content. I think also on Avatar Extras for Ember Island Players they say that he is dead. Jet lost his parents when the rough rhinos destroyed his town (we see one of them in Jet’s flashback in the episode “Lake Laogai”). It never really added up to me. This is the subreddit for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, the comics, the upcoming Netflix live action ATLA series, novels, games, and all other Avatar content. was not disappointedAll we really know is that "He'll be fine" is a lie, but that's clear enough for me.The writers of course had a lot of careful manipulation of the material to do whenever the show, which was heavily aimed at a family friendly demographic, approached any dark material.Stealing souls and mimicking their faces, bending the water in people's blood and causing a grievous unbalance in the fabric of the universe through the death of the spiritual incarnation of the moon. Jet, Suki, Sokka, Mai, and Ty lee VS Zuko, Katara, and Toph Casual Jets has his hook swords Suki has her fans Sokka has his sword, boomerang, club … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So we never really see him die. It also could not be revealed during the rest of the story, so Toph sensing that Jet was lying about how he would be okay was how they chose to confirm it for the viewers.

I'm sure if he hadn't been killed he could've redeemed himself too.I love that episode actually. When in reality he is actually a realistic character.I mean... you have kids fighting adults all throughout the series, so I don't think that's the part of the episode that people dislike.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThis is the subreddit for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, the comics, the upcoming Netflix live action ATLA series, novels, games, and all other Avatar content.Press J to jump to the feed. Reddit is a network of communities based on people's interests. I don't know.