This brief guidance has been produced by RCPath following the outbreak of the COVID-19 infection.

Version 2 – Updated 13 May 2020. The prohibition of their use for COVID-19 samples has been removed in this version – the latest edition as of 23 March 2020. This platform is a partnership between the Department of Health and Social Care, the UK Bioindustry Association, British In Vitro Diagnostics Association and the Royal College of Pathologists. July 2020 This document provides guidance relating to COVID-19 deaths where exposure may have occurred as a result of the individual's employment.The Coronavirus Act 2020 made changes to legislation about how deaths can be certified and registered during the pandemic. This guidance is based on documentation produced by East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. All pathology services with pneumatic tubes should now be using this guidance.This guidance is based on documentation produced by the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust for the use of point of care tests for confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients. Introduced by virologist and College Fellow, Professor Will Irving, each seminar was led by a subject expert.

COVID-19 Testing Methods Bulletin No 1 Version 2 – updated 26 May 2020. It will also enable services to match the capacity for cancer treatment to patient needs if services become limited because of the COVID-19 pandemic.This guidance identifies treatment strategies in adults with newly diagnosed AML which reduce NHS pressure whilst preserving patient outcomes. It is based on findings from inspections, incidents and enquiries, and was developed with HTA's Histopathology Working Group.This guidance sets out key information about HTA licensing of emergency mortuaries, for teams involved in emergency planning and those working in emergency mortuaries.This document relates to serology samples taken for the assessment of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. This document offers guidance and advice to pathologists facing potential redeployment during the COVID-19 outbreak. March 2020 The current COVID-19 outbreak may affect delegates to College conferences. May 2020

May 2020 Service spotlight COVID-19 edition: Nottingham University Hospitals Microbiology Laboratory service. April 2020 Information on the latest RCPA updates including Examinations, CPD and COVID-19 resources. The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) states that: x molecular testing on a single throat with deep nasal swab is the current test of choice for the diagnosis of acute COVID 19 infection x COVID-19 IgG/IgM rapid tests have no role to play in the acute diagnosis of COVID-19 The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) this week released a position statement on COVID-19 immunoglobulin (Ig) G/IgM rapid point-of-care tests. March 2020 Please do tell other people who might be able to contribute. ©2020 The Royal College of Pathologists Professor John Newton pays tribute to pathology services February 2020 This guidance covers terminology for recording COVID-19 information.Information about COVID-19 tests and testing kits, including how they work, the different types of tests and the specifications manufacturers need to follow.The College, in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care, the UK Bioindustry Association, British In Vitro Diagnostics Association, has setup You can register to contribute in seconds, either with your email address or by signing in with your social media account (Twitter, Facebook, Google or LinkedIn).