2-1-1 saves lives and I am working locally to raise awareness and support for this valuable service in our district. • Fine polluters and use revenue to clean up toxins • Make healthcare affordable to all • Make college affordable to all As a landlord and real estate agent, I understand the struggles on all sides.

Jackie Smith for Assembly 2020 5515 Pacific St. #244 Rocklin, CA 95677 Phone: 916-741-9303 Email: info@smith4assembly.com Paid for by Jackie Smith for Assembly 2020 FPPC 1418267 Money also needs to be allocated to nursing homes to increase staffing to protect residents from infection and for better oversight.In addition to the COVID 19 crisis, changing demographics and rising inequities have caused Jackie to focus on the following Issues: As a Commissioner on Placer County Older Adult Advisory Commission and on the California Alliance for Retired Americans Legislative Team, our district and the state are ill equipped to meet the service demands of our aging population. This includes students, young families, teachers, nurses, firefighters, and business owners who contribute directly to the quality of life in this district. Jackie is running for Assembly to ensure that everyone regardless of background, race, ethnicity, income, sexual preference and age have equal access to all available opportunities. Everyone should have the opportunity to live in the community in which they work. Jackie Smith is the Only Choice for Better Healthcare, Education, Housing, Environment and Retirement in Sacramento, El Dorado and Placer Counties. A main goal and aim of Smith is to give strong support to union workers. • Ensure all access to clean water To find out more about 2-1-1, please go to www.ca211.org But hasn’t stopped Jackie to help in the community. Jackie brings her background in Business, Older Adult Advisory, Community Advocacy, and experience on many Non-Profit Boards to Improve District 6. I believe everyone is entitled to affordable healthcare. Guarantee universal pre-school As your representative, I will be a leading voice on housing affordability and creating locally driven solutions Jackie Smith now serves as a Commissioner and Legislative Representative on the Placer County Older Adult Advisory Commission. As a community activist, I am working locally to raise awareness about the dangers the gaps in services pose to seniors.In the Capitol I will be the voice for seniors and lead the fight to create and implement a senior master plan As your representative in the Legislature, I will vote to protect, our environment and most importantly our water 2-1-1 is a free information and referral service that connects people to health and human services in their community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This money would be invested in local services and schools, while protecting those who are homeowners, renters, and small businesses. Jackie brings her background in Business, Older Adult Advisory, Community Advocacy, and experience on many Non-Profit Boards to Improve District 6.
https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/legislator?ga=88&personID=26998 2-1-1 is available throughout most of California, but not in all CA counties.

• Guarantee universal pre-school

That is why I am in favor of proposals that, first and foremost, promote the cultivation and expansion of natural meadows and opposed to costly/insufficient solutions such as dam building. • Ensure pharmacies provide home delivery option She supports the interests of the people not big business.During the COVID 19 pandemic, Jackie is supporting all initiatives that fund presently underfunded programs including the California Schools and Communities First Initiative which would reclaim $12 billion dollars from wealthy corporations who were previously taking advantage of a tax loophole. Our district can ensure restorative efforts by voting in favor of scientifically based proposals on how to most effectively save and distribute this precious resource. • Reduce greenhouse emissions Jackie Smith is the Only Choice for Better Healthcare, Education, Housing, Environment and Retirement in Sacramento, El Dorado and Placer Counties. Jackie Smith for Assembly 2020 5515 Pacific St. #244 Rocklin, CA 95677 Phone: 916-741-9303 Email: info@smith4assembly.com Paid for by Jackie Smith for Assembly 2020 FPPC 1418267

Healthcare coverage benefits people who live in our district and the local economy. The California Nurses Association has officially endorsed 2020 CA Assembly District 6 democratic candidate, Jackie Smith. • Ensure quality education by fully funding public schools • Ensure quality education by fully funding public schools • Build affordable rental and housing units • Make college affordable to all According to her campaign website, Jackie Smith of Rocklin, CA, is running for office in Assembly District 6 in order to advocate for environmental justice, affordable … To find out more about 2-1-1, please go to www.211ca.org • Fund and expand public transit
As Californian’s we know about the importance of protecting our water. • Protection from eviction during COVID 19 • Provide all with laptops or iPads 2-1-1 is available throughout most of California, but not in Placer and El Dorado Hill counties.