I’ve really enjoyed this “epic” tale of impending mass extinction and the connections that are made between the characters in the story. I didn't expect it to be that big of a book. One day in June, something strange begins to happen. 'Wanderers' is engaging and entertaining. This one sounds like an amazing read, glad you enjoyed it so much.You’ll definitely see the same vibe in his books as you will on his blog, I do love that his personality shines through.This sounds soooo good! Wanderers does not relate to The Stand in any meaningful way, despite the cover quote, sadly. Reminds me a little of Cell by Stephen King xoOh it’s way better than Cell!

At around 800 pages, that's saying something. I listened to Wanderers on audio, and now I want to talk about it. I told my editor, "The deadline is coming up.

I also loved Marcy, a tough, ex-cop who suffered a terrible head injury on the job and now has a plate in her head. There’s also a weird section near the end that had a Matrix-like, alternate reality feel to it. No sore muscles;-)Excellent review. I read it around the same time as a certain Wanderers tackles a wide gamut of cultural issues that are all extremely relevant, even more so in the wake of the current Coronavirus situation. Wendig has lots of moving parts that he not only has to introduce, but eventually connect together, and I thought he did a bang up job of it. As scientists struggle to discover what's happening and the flock keeps walking, the country descends into mayhem, murder, and extreme violence fed by bigotry.They had no idea what this was, where it began, or what it could do. You have been warned.As for the plot, I’ll give you the bare bones version. Maybe someone puts a little more kindness into their day and it spreads as far and as wide as any virus.This is easily my favourite book of the year so far. Amazing. They also wear "their HUNT THE C*** T-shirts, their s***-kicker boots, their bright-white CREED SAVES AMERICA baseball hats." I think you’ve convinced me that I need to make time to read this!Don’t be scared! I highlighted and read the *SPOILER* but I am not at all surprised it goes down like that. Oh, and I haven’t even mentioned Pete Corley, an aging gay rock star who nearly steals the show, or Matthew Bird, a mild-mannered pastor who is seduced by fame and fortune and gets caught up with the So Shana becomes pregnant and later turns into a walker. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. I won't get into the weeds on that one, but obviously, a lot changed and it was very easy to see a lot of anxieties. In the end Wanderers faces a question about religion and if it serves a purpose for humans. She ends up in a sort of stasis period for five years, and when she wakes up she’s still pregnant!

Loved ones follow the sleepwalkers on their journey; they become known as shepherds, and the walkers are their flock.The strange situation accentuates political tensions and gives those who already loathe otherness and diversity a reason to lash out. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.There were a few things in the story that were never explained. As the ranks of walkers keep growing, and White Mask continues to spread, Benji and his team must find some answers fast—before things fall apart for good.

The walkers do not stop, do not talk, cannot be slowed down, and do not seem capable of waking up. I did the audiobook as well! But I agree, the balance of terror and hope is what keeps me enthralled with this one!I’m intrigued by the character of the pastor gone wrong! I don’t usually comment on book review blogs, but I wanted to tell you I thoroughly enjoyed your review and I will read your others. The terrifying secret will either tear the nation apart–or bring the survivors together to remake a shattered world.There are many words that come to mind when I think about describing Wanderers. This one has been on my radar. This does sound epic and maybe I’ll save it for the week I have off during Thanksgiving so I can give it the attention it deserves.I needed a solid week to read it, so Thanksgiving is probably the perfect time.Oh my goodness this book sounds really intense, but definitely something I would be into.

Black Swan ends up a god, with a flock of loyal followers, one who questions its motives and actions and even a holy child.