Here, in the hamlet of Wall, young Tristran Thorn has lost his heart to the hauntingly beautiful Victoria Forester.

It's also one of the few times I watched the movie before reading the book, simply because I had no idea the book existed. I loved it. This is most likely due to what’s on the other side of the town and a literal wall, the land of Faerie: “In the tranquil fields and meadows of long-ago England, there is a small hamlet that has stood on a jut of granite for 600 years. Another thing I really loved about Stardust was the characYet again, Neil Gaiman does not disappoint! But alas, the time came!
I mean, really, really loved it. I didn't really enjoy anything else This is my second Gaiman book, and it's my favorite so far! ~ taken from ‘Stardust’ by Neil Gaiman. That is as succinct a description as comes close to this very entertaining novel. I really adored how it felt like I was reading a classic fairytale, it drew me into the story more than if it had been written in Gaiman's usual style. Indeed, when Victoria Forester, the woman he I hate Tristan Thorn, though I do suppose that everybody has been in his shoes at one point in their life. With every book of his I read, I fall more and more in love with him as an author and that was no different with this book. Worlds that somehow seem complexly developed after just two chapters of Gaiman's writing. Stardust. Gaiman is simply a master storyteller. Worlds that somehow seem complexly developed after just two chapters of Gaiman's writing. I read this after I saw the film because I thought, "hey, I'd love to see that explored more and see what parts they left out because that film was great! I mean, really, really loved it.

Apparently his idea of what makes a story "for adults" is generous sprinklings of gore, violence, and sex. The writing was poor, the story cliché and shallow, and the content problematic. So ha!Inevitably I was reading this against the movie, and I'm here to say that I think the movie and the book are both brilliant. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.

Another thing I really loved about Stardust was the characters. Edit: not anymore, Bridget Jones gets the honor too), where I prefer the movie to the book. My copy of "Stardust" promises so much just by images on the cover - and the volume is so slim, barely reaching 200 pages. Go to the official site and sign up to have Neil answer all your burning curiousities. Because that is basically what he does. Gaiman is able to mix the flowery phrasing of fairytales with more contemporary speech patterns and attitudes to create a fairy tale for adults that is frequently funny. He obviously has some talent, so I'm hoping this book is just a miss.I have heard Stardust by Neil Gaiman described as a fairy tale told for adults, and I think Gaiman himself said something of the kind. The characters, the writing style, the plot, the romance, the magic. I DON'T KNOW. And I'm really just a sucker for fairytales in general! NEIL GAIMAN’S novel “Stardust,” the source for the new movie of the same name that opens Friday, is a bit of an anomaly among the works that have made him a legend in the comics world. Here, in the hamlet of Wall, young Tristran Thorn has lost his heart to the hauntingly beautiful Victoria Forester. He's not an author, he's a magician, painting magic pictures of rich, exciting worlds that come to life so quickly. It's also one of the few times I watched the movie before reading the book, simply because I had no idea the book existed. Tristran was a bit of an idiot, but he was also one in the movie, too! - I asked myself, and started reading on the evening of October, 2nd. He creates moods that permeate entire novels and, whether you happen to be reading his adult or young adult works, heThe more Gaiman I read, the more I understand why people are so caught up in the magic he wields. Free download or read online Stardust pdf (ePUB) book. Each of them is so intriguing and has such an interesting life story and I really enjoyed how they all ended up being interconnected. It sucks me in and doesn't let go! I loved the movie! If the movie hadn't been my carrot, though, I never would have made it through the first chapter, let alone the entire story. This book could have gone horribly wrong, become insufferably twee, but somehow, it didn’t.Neil Gaiman’s Stardust is a lovely little fairy tale. I think my favourite part of Stardust was the way it was written. I generallInevitably I was reading this against the movie, and I'm here to say that I think the movie and the book are both brilliant. Never. Indeed, when Victoria Forester, the woman he There's more to this Adult Fairy Tale than meets the eye.
How will all these events and characters fit in such slim space? And I'm really just a sucker for fairytales in general! Full review on my blog To tell the truth, I didn't believe it was possible.

My copy of "Stardust" promises so much just by images on the cover - and the volume is so slim, barely reaching 200 pages. If the movie hadn't been my carrot, though, I never would have made it through the first chapter, let alone the entire story. Also, I defy any This is the one case, the ONLY case (so far. Tolkien's The Hobbit, as well as those who loved the feature film starring Robert De Niro, Claire Danes, Rupert Everett and Michelle Pfeiffer among others. It sucks me in and doesn't let go! This has a relatively happy ending.

However, in attempting to write a "fairy tale for adults" Gaimon completely missed the mark.