It came out of nowhere.That isn't better than being inbred. Title. In this theory, Fry is his own grandfather. In the commentary I do believe it was addressed that Enos was Fry's Grandfather at one point, just to create him. Enos was a Private First Class stationed at Roswell Army Air Field in 1947 and was engaged to a woman named Mildred. When he has his son, Yancy, Yancy inherits from his father Y (f) and his mother Y (m). As the husband of your grandmother, you become your own grandpa. I still think Fry's his own grandfather and that the writer's didn't mean to subtly suggest that Mildred actually had something else to worry about. If this has been talked to death, I apologize but...i see your point, but isnt his lack of delta brainwave proof enough?i see your point, but isnt his lack of delta brainwave proof enough?i see your point, but isnt his lack of delta brainwave proof enough?i see your point, but isnt his lack of delta brainwave proof enough?That's an interesting theory, songficcer. share | improve this question | follow | edited Nov 22 '16 at 7:13. But his X chromosome still had to come from nowhere. So in game of tones he is also sat with his granddaughter. The only reason people start thinking about stuff like this is because they concentrate so much on it that they forget major points and end up with a completely wrong solution. Shouldn't Fry be infinitely inbred? Since your mother's mother is your wife, your wife is also your grandmother. The first is that each time h goes through the loop, his DNA changes.Creation of fry's dad 2.0: (100B+25A+25B+50C)/2 =12.5A+62.5B+25CCreation of Fry 2.0: (100C+12.5A+62.5B+25C)/2=62.5%C+6.25%A+31.25%BThis trend continues, until he eventually becomes a statistical mix of his mother and paternal grandmother.
character futurama. Legal Notice & Disclaimer: "Futurama" TM and copyright FOX, its related entities and the Curiosity Company. Then in season 3 "Roswell That Ends Well", and continuing forward it is stated that Fry is his own grandfather. I think this works out to be about as inbred is the child of two cousins, which has approximately twice the base rate of birth defects and depending on the culture is not considered incest.But the thing you have to remember is that this is a stable time loop. We use a [Watsonian point of view](, versus Doylist.Press J to jump to the feed. Have you ever tried simply closing out of reddit, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?Press J to jump to the feed. "It can't be true (this fictional event) since it messes with 307. Then, Fry came back and has since been his own grandfather. 11. Dessie makes his granddaughter, Kildare native Oriel Corway, a fry-up breakfast every year on her birthday. Why didn't the DNA scanner find Fry to be the Professor's great^n grandfather?
If Fry is technically his own Grandfather, what does that make the Professor now? Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; More you might like. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under
Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. My wife doesn't think so. Page created in 0.657 seconds with 17 queries.
40.2k. Who is technically named after his grandfather. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts.
Fry realizes to his horror that he is now his own grandfather. Which mostly means that he happened to get as many genes as possible from his three other grandparents, since that's much more likely than a chromosome full of random genes being viable. his father could have been implicated in the niblonians previous endevours, and fry supposedly being his own grandfather is a cover up of some kind "Yeah, but do ya think ya only going with girls 'cos ya supposed ta? Please do not attack me. He would no longer be his nephew, correct?
So, let's ay Fries genome consists of what he inherited from his mother, F (m), and what he inherited from his father, F (f). He got the gene from himself. O, canyou be your own grandpa a Suppose you marry a widow who already has a grown up daughter, and your father marries the widow's grown up daughter. Fry was a native to the 20th century who was cryogenically frozen seconds into the year 2000, having fallen in just as 1999 ended. ""Yeah, but do ya think ya only going with girls 'cos ya supposed ta?
So based on that fry was his own grandfather and his brother was the original fry?Actually if you do the math he only has one quarter of his own DNA (since he is his grandfater and everyone has 1/4 of their grandfathers DNA) so he is actually four times less inbred than the average human.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castIt's like Ask Science, but for all universes other than our own. ""Yeah, but do ya think ya only going with girls 'cos ya supposed ta? Well, angry and disgusted, I would imagine...He would still be his Great Nephew, but would he not also be his Great Grandchild?