endstream endobj 3010 0 obj <>stream Find out about current projects near you. • No cumulative noise impact assessment has been considered • The M12 motorway and the realignment of the Northern Rd … The M12 Motorway will provide direct access to Western Sydney International Airport at Badgerys Creek and connect to Sydney’s motorway network.As of November 2017, a preliminary design has been developed with some changes to the preferred corridor route announced in 2016. Saturday, 2 November ]�=ڿ��4G�WX�R+>����u�l>L`�J��k�=^��o�9�0c�) �y�4X-y��>�a����C��T�fD�q7��Sz�R�u1� ��(��R��ϝ8a@b-�[��"y�� Thursday, 7 November These issues are outlined within *�v�%��_��h��@�9в&�9.,���� ��%����f0��pد��8Hg�lj��U��f=���#�͊�s0�)������������J*s� cf�1)%�jl�t���c�����ǿ5�P��"�)u Roads and Maritime will work closely with local residents and stakeholders to minimise the impacts of noise and vibration.

Saturday, 26 October The M12 Motorway is required to support the opening of the planned western Sydney airport at Badgerys Creek. %PDF-1.6 %���� Transport for NSW invite you to share this information with your friends, family and colleagues via social media or email.Roads and Maritime will actively look at ways to further reduce the impact of the M12 Motorway on the community. [T��=�������>ֲw�'#Wm�Ys Design Development and option assessment. 3 . In the WestConnex Stage 3 EIS released in August 2017 the document states that the majority of the proposed tunnel alignments will … Following your feedback on the EIS, Roads and Maritime will prepare a submissions report and/or a preferred infrastructure report if required. endstream endobj 3009 0 obj <>stream Road transport facilities A report documenting the submissions and responses to the issues raised will then be submitted to the DPIE. You are now in our stakeholder database and will be informed of the project updates if you have selected to subscribe.Any feedback you have provided will be considered in our next steps.All enquiries will be responded to within five working days.Thank you for using the M12 Motorway Portal. Mark has been involved in the negotiation of recent conditions of approval for a number of major projects throughout NSW. A new dual-carriageway motorway to connect the M7 Motorway with the Western Sydney Airport and The Northern Road. ��Ũ=�U�% H�=n[��/���/������ӧ��ƕVi��>���I[�>��cI�cKi����9}ģ���vX�?Z \�6���&r��ƞ���Ū�p+�޽���w}�1�t�Eˊ�#)��hVL��$�Y���� Tenders are invited from companies Registered with Roads and Maritime Services under the Technical Services Registration Scheme, Category – Noise and Vibration. State Significant Infrastructure

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• Luddenham sensitive receptors were not included in background noise monitoring.

from a section of the proposed M12 Motorway and Elizabeth Drive, noise level increases attributable to airport traffic would be ... operational noise and vibration impacts associated with the proposed airport. �U��U��E���s6�4�V��-���~R���[����O O3�� �����Z�^� ᇕ+Ia�Y;�CN�)���ܟ��2��IH����~�=_��P;���6�16F�F�)��a� �8DD��lk� M12 Motorway - Section 7-7 Environmental impact statement 560 7. Thursday, 24 October Having worked across building, environment, industrial, oil and gas, and defence industries, I specialise in transport infrastructure having developed expertise in airborne noise, ground-borne noise and vibration for both construction and operational phases of projects. �������I��� ����k����R��U�)����C�Y!��a,��-��ߐ� � p�� �����`�i�U���а=���Q �������� �1FHt^�-��^���G�q��9v��~$�'�i����A(� �t5��MT�� �A�?��M�3G�+��$�����"��qađ&�vI�bg�m The motorway will be initially two lanes in each direction, with capacity for an additional future lane in each direction. Table 7-99 �R` ��P7\g� 9�\�� ����}��!��L�OtV�%]2�VL>kh��ڸ�֧9fTP�j�G��S���/�i�����y�OS�s/e��~��+�kn���G8�J��tL� The reduced corridor will be included in the display of the EIS.On behalf of the Australian and NSW governments, Roads and Maritime Services is planning the M12 Motorway as part of the $3.6 billion Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan. The M12 Motorway forms part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan (WSIP). This provides the community, government agencies and stakeholders with an understanding of what is proposed and the opportunity to make comment on the project.