Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on November 24, 1996. Is it just for Elders and preachers?Well, we’ve already learned from our current series in 1 Timothy that it is very important.The Apostle, then, ascribes great value and great gain to godliness or as we could call it, sanctification but while it is very valuable and worthy of great-gain status, I believe if we let the entire Bible speak we would, no doubt, need to look to Hebrews 12.Words used to describe sanctification are godliness, holiness and even righteousness.

They’re a great example of fleeing from sin. We must actively do whatever it takes to get away from it. Once God justifies (declares us righteous in Christ), then we work with Him in sanctification.

His exhortations are Paul’s way of insuring that Timothy’s sanctification continues. Timothy is also mentioned as being with Paul when Paul wrote several New Testament letters—2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and Philemon. According to Paul, Timothy was taught about the Scriptures when he was At the time Paul met Timothy they were roughly 48 and Paul's method for evangelizing a particular area was to first visit the The apostle no doubt felt, given the zealously-held prejudices against those not circumcised, that a circumcised Timothy would circumvent these biases and allow "Now, for Apostle Paul to travel among the Synagogues with a companion in this condition (uncircumcised), - and to attempt to convince the Jews that "Had Timothy not been circumcised, a storm would have gathered round the Apostle in his further progress. This is a war. We now enter the closing section of 1 Timothy. #19 8-05-07 Timothy, a Bright Shinning Star Text, Philippians 2:19-24 Introduction, 1) Last week’s sermon we as Christians are to shine like stars as a witness for Christ. Research topics including order and church discipline, proper conduct in worship, qualifications for deacons and elders, and pursuing righteousness. What good would it be to have Timothy work so hard in caring for the matters in the church only to neglect his own soul?We should see that growing in godliness is how we work out our salvation with fear and trembling.Isn’t God so good to us to preserve this section so we too can benefit from the Apostle’s advice?Beloved, we too must continue to mature in the faith making advances in our sanctification.

Paul says Timothy had a “genuine faith,” the same as that which lived in his mother and grandmother (2 Timothy 1:1–5). They were so shaken by the things of this world that their faith was so tried it was almost gone.

It is a war against the flesh and indwelling sin. Take hold means an aggressive acquiring and perseverance.In 1740, a 25- year-old George Whitefield, the greatest evangelist/preacher of his day, preached in Middletown, Connecticut. We must always be making advances in our walk with Christ.In God’s mercy He inspired Paul to give this vital information to Timothy, then, He kept it for us here today.How important is sanctification? If all we have is a one time religious experience and are not striving for and advancing in holiness then we are not a genuine believer and we will not see the Lord.I want to also say by way of introduction that sanctification is an active process. We cannot do anything God does it all. It’s a war against the world and its hostility towards God. He’s a farmer. Their life demonstrates that they are filled with the Holy Spirit. May God give us the grace we need to become more and more like Jesus.Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. We too must work very hard to be one the path of holiness.Because godliness etc.

1 Timothy 6:9–10 (ESV) 9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. SERMONS ON 1 TIMOTHY Our sermon ideas on 1 Timothy will help you preach a powerful message on practical instructions for church leadership.

He says Jesus compares Himself as the Good Shepherd to a hired shepherd…The hireling flees when the wolf shows up. Gaining ground in holiness is a partnership between the believer and God.Paul also knows that holiness is an active process. And the word "liberty" sums up our condition after we’re received this new life through Jesus. Maybe you’re there now? We receive new life as we’re made right with God through our faith in Jesus. It was likely for the sake of expediency. It’s a war against Satan and all of his hosts, and that means you and I, we are to put on the whole armor of God.Specifically we are called to fight for faith. Again we must actively pursue these things…These are traits that we must actively be pursuing as we walk with Christ and as we flee sin. Let me read it to you.Keep the commandment is meant to be understood as keep all these things I’ve just told you about. • He admitted to Timothy that he was “a blasphemer, a persecutor and a man of violence” • Paul was a blasphemer — He was against Christ. is an active part of salvation, Paul very appropriately uses verbs to describe how sanctification is achieved.Paul tells Timothy that the first step in growing in holiness is to run away from or escaping, here fleeing from sinful things. Why did the apostle, who vigorously argued that circumcision was not necessary in order to receive salvation (see our article on The Jerusalem Conference) have Timothy his friend undergo this painful procedure? Paul's method for evangelizing a particular area was to first visit the local synagogues(see Acts 13:5, 14, 1… I think most godly parents would give these instructions to their believing children. Here the Apostle is giving his Son in the faith final instructions. . Is it just for the elite Christians or some special group? That’s a negative example but you get the idea. Today's podcast is brought to you by Gospel in Life

So, when sin shows up we must flee it. Series "The Real Jesus Part 2; His Life".