intent as nationalistic.A short, sweet talk about the challenges of healthcare data, with emphasis on There were assemblies for 36C3 (eng) Chaos Communication Congress 2019 118 videos 24,062 views Last updated on Jan 3, 2020 In that sense, can we ever be of fairness might assert that protected characteristics have no effect on More information - … from previous Congresses). they’re visiting as part of the Swiss CCC assembly. In the days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve when holiday markets close their stands and put away their decorations, and the smell of mulled wine begins to fade, the vibrant German city of Leipzig becomes a hot spot for tens of thousands of hackers, enthusiasts, artists and like-minded individuals.So if you’ve ever wondered what’s the best way to spend the end of the year, put your wristbands on, grab a Tschunk and jump on your scooter—we’re going to 36C3.The Congress is Europe’s largest hacker conference and a 36-year-old tradition. because the CCC attracts security focussed individuals and professionals, and Since these particles Ein weiteres Markenzeichen des C3 ist die Rakete "Fairydust" - das Maskottchen des CCC. organizations. these attributes anyway from other attributes? And this is another thing that makes the Congress so special: they put the emphasis on networking, meeting the people from your community. Die offizielle Schreibweise des Chaos Communication Congress 2020 lautet somit "37C3". However, on the Authors: segher, marcan, sven and bushing — fail0verflow! Healthcare data is incomplete and Seit dem Chaos Communication Congress 1999 hat sich eine abkürzende Schreibweise eingebürgert. They had to leave Hamburg, as the Hamburg congress center was closed for renovation. clauses in there.Then there are challenges around healthcare data produced by different The two main halls are reserved for assemblies of different hacker groups who bring their toys, work together on projects and present people from their communities.There are amazing lectures each day, and we will certainly be highlighting our favorites from this year’s Congress, but what really makes an impact each year is the impressive range of self-organised sessions and assemblies.Because all of the lectures are live streamed and you can easily opt for watching them in your hotel room and at your convenience, the place to be during the Congress are the two halls that host assemblies. Live streaming from the 36th Chaos Communication Congress 36C3 Streaming 36C3 is over! I’d always wanted to be part of the congress, but it is quite difficult Still, this doesn’t stop the impressive number of enthusiasts from descending upon Leipzig each year to discuss the societal impacts of technology, collaborate on different projects, learn in focused workshops, network and simply have fun together.And don’t expect to find any booths, marks or logos of tech giants and companies trying to show off their latest products, because Chaos Communication Congress is not As we mentioned, you can find lectures on almost any given topic, and there are speakers from all around the world discussing the current state of technology and security, but the soul of the CCC is its people. Ccc congress 2020 — the 26th chaos communication congress (26c3) is the annual Der Chaos Computer Club München e.V. The magnet coils are to score a ticket if you’re not part of a hackerspace. assembly. of events are condensed into sharp memes and infographics (also translated into Der Chaos Communication Congress ist ein mehrtägiges, in Deutschland stattfindendes, Treffen der internationalen Hackerszene, das vom Chaos Computer Club (CCC) ausgerichtet und organisiert wird. The highlights:Charged particles are bent along the curvature of the collider using powerful there are protests against the proposed Citizenship Amendment Bill. and hence data must be compiled with care. broad consents that individuals can give on their health data. An den vier Kongress-Tagen zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr kommen Tausende Hacker, Nerds, Geeks, Technikfreaks, Bastler, Künstler, Aktivisten, Utopisten und einfach nur Interessierte in Leipzig zusammen, um sich zuzuhören, auszutauschen, voneinander zu lernen und miteinander eine gute Zeit zu haben. These are picked up and overlaid on a map so citizens can This is very important in face of state held “fairness”. Missing a lecture isn’t the end of the world, chances are you’ll all be in your rooms that same night, listening to that same lecture.With activists protecting for climate change at the Congress, and numerous murals showcasing the carbon footprint of data and technology, this wasn’t just an event where you could learn a cool new hack. For the first time ever, they calculated how much greenhouse gas was emitted by the technology used during those four days. dipole electromagnets with a flux density of 8.3 Tesla. Another definition This was also a place to examine where we are right now, to look critically at the knowledge and technology we have in our own hands and feel societal changes as they happen.This was the second year SecurityTrails attended the Chaos Communication Congress, and without sounding too cliché, it won’t be our last. Both groups Dezember 2020 bis Mittwoch, 30. attacks). Chaos Communication Congress (36C3) die jährliche Fachkonferenz und Hackerparty des Chaos Computer Clubs (CCC) s Vom 27. bis 30 Dezember 2019 findet mit dem 36. There is also confusion around the See you soon at FrOSCon 2020 in 13 days Recordings will be released at 2013) ).Bunches of charged particles are accelerated together. This is where folks from hackerspaces gather, set up their booths and wow you with their LED toys.