and predictably start massacring kids left and right, it reasonably doesn’t occur to their victims to defend themselves with the plastic water dispensers they’re holding. It was directed by Joseph Mangine with a script written by Mark Patrick Carducci. But the end result is the same: We are faced with a bunch of mute killers with varying degrees…Holy shit! Such is the case with Neon Maniacs, a large number of a monster film rife with manufacturing woes. “The water hit the cotton candy, and it did melt into bright pink and blue rivulets, but was it successful? Budgetary constraints prompted that number cut down to twelve; Ape, Archer, Axe, Decapitator, Doc, Hangman, Juice, Mohawk, Punk Biker, Samurai, Slasher, and Soldier. There are no critic reviews yet for Neon Maniacs. This sequence is important because it establishes two key things about NEON MANIACS. This makes her the obvious audience surrogate character (since clearly no one watching NEON MANIACS is going to identify with our gorgeous and popular Hero and Heroine) but who in the fuck is going to identify with this chipper weirdo? I…Wanted: Maniac for large group of mutant killers. Yup, that’s the actual end. In an era of practical effects-driven horror prone to sequel fever, a horror movie about a horde of varied monsters seemed like a safe bet for franchise potential. Somehow, miraculously, it contains everything I like in a lot of other movies crammed uncomfortably into 90 minutes of pure enjoyment. And when I first discovered it in a bargain bin for $2 I certainly felt those feelings. Who could tell? If a horror movie came out in the 1980s, there’s a good chance it got a sequel or two. I mean, about the movie begs to be made fun of. Whatever they thought they were doing, it’s completely appropriate for this corny, cheerfully moronic 80’s mutants vs teens saga.

He doesn’t look that interested or surprised, but he keeps flipping through the stack of photos until he gets splattered all over them with an ax by an unseen killer. There’s no attempt to set any of this up at all, the maniacs just walk purposefully out of the woods and immediately get to work butchering the entire cast.Having now killed off nearly every single character it’s introduced so far, the movie re-begins with a new set of characters. Or they could have just waited til the 90’s and dressed them in contemporary garb. I wouldn’t necessarily need for any of the human characters to return, but bringing back Paula (played by Donna Locke in her sole screen credit) could have been really cool, especially if she used all of her knowledge to graduate from Monster Kid to full-on Neon Maniac Hunter. There’s the aforementioned Samurai maniac, the Indian Maniac, a surgeon maniac, a soldier maniac, a hangman maniac, a “punk biker” maniac, some kind of crazy albino werewolf maniac, I guess (some sources call him a “caveman,” the credits just call him “ape”), a grim reaper type maniac, a cycloptic dwarf maniac with a meathook, an archer maniac, an ax-wielding maniac, a sort of, I dunno, Tin-man robot maniac?, a maniac the credits just call “Juice” that I don’t even remember.
!This was almost my favorite thing that I've ever seen.

Neon Maniacs is a bit of a supernatural slasher and what makes it stand out are those 12 creatures or whatever they are supposed to be. There’s one who looks like a Native American… I think? Neon Maniacs is a bit of a supernatural slasher and what makes it stand out are those 12 creatures or whatever they are supposed to be. They found of the world’s shittiest bands, and had them play all the way through original tunes! Well, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out their crafty plan of attack (although it might have helped): they’ll give everyone in the audience for the battle of the bands... squirt guns! He decides the only reasonable thing to do would be to pick it up and look inside, whereupon he finds a bunch of touched-up glamour shots of what I assume to be our titular characters. Second, NEON MANIACS just does not give a single fuck at all about anything else.
When production finally resumed, many of the actors playing various Maniac roles didn’t return. Yes! Details. Critic Reviews for Neon Maniacs. If nothing else, a couple of sequels might have given another director the chance to take the stuff that’s good in the first film and build on it by improving on all the things that don’t work.The original was only the second (and final) movie ever directed by Joe Mangine, whose first effort, the marijuana-and-sex romp , was made twenty years prior. You would think this would mean that they pose no danger to anyone who possesses a garden hose or bottle of Deer Park or the ability to sweat, but whatever, no one seems to find this reassuring.

Must also be skilled in the murderous use of at least one (1) unorthodox weapon. Neon Maniacs R | 1h 31min | Horror , Sci-Fi , Thriller | 14 November 1986 (USA) A group of teenagers in San Francisco discover a nest of homicidal monsters living in a tower of the Golden Gate Bridge, but when they try to tell authorities, no one believes them. Now, some sweatpants-wearing dingus name Steven ([Clyde] Alan Hayes, screenwriter and actor in actually no, it was Robert Altman’s THE GINGERBREAD MAN, that’s even weirder) has to team up with Natalie , the sole virginal ("I bet you're the last virgin in San Fran!" It is intended to be as disturbing as the subject matter it depicts in order to educate and, perhaps, This sequence is important because it establishes two key things about NEON MANIACS. The lazy writing and the technical/budgetary limitations led to me having an ABSOLUTE blast watching this movie!Hear me out on this one. Same old story.