You are now a keyboard ninja. If not the check will be stuck while waiting for you to answer ‘y’, but you won’t be able to see that question…On Fedora 17 the -F option is not available for command shutdown.I followed the directions and it worked for my Mythbuntu system…on EVERY reboot.You could also use tune2fs and set the filesystem mount count to something higher than the limit which triggers the filesystem check. Linux and Unix tutorials for new and seasoned sysadminLinux and Unix tutorials for new and seasoned sysadminscript /etc/default/locale || true How do I force fsck on all my drives? After making changes to /etc/default/locale, is it possible to reload/active the new settings without a reboot? Restart. debug_arg=$arg actkbd AUR (available in AUR) is a simple daemon that binds actions to keyboard events. When the command available, we can set up the keyboard shortcut. The author is the creator of nixCraft and a seasoned sysadmin, DevOps engineer, and a trainer for the Linux operating system/Unix shell scripting. may i know what will cause this kind of issue? Alt + Printscreen + REISUB It means hold the Alt and printscreen by right hand, then press R + E + I + S + U + B by left hand. Once you in the command, run the following command and reboot back the system again. fi exec mountall --daemon $force_fsck $fsck_fix $debug_argBy creating /forcefsck file you will force the Linux system (or rc scripts) to perform a full file system check.
?this is really overly simplistic. [ "$FSCKFIX" = "yes" ] && fsck_fix="--fsck-fix" # Doesn not work so well if mountall is responsible for mounting /proc, heh. For the command type in /home/toby/ shutdown or whatever path you saved the script to. REISUO will do a shutdown rather than a restart. .

So we must check everything! You don’t need to goto the root directory if you’re providing the full path, as you are. Also, in the comment about adding a “y” to the file to scan remote drives, does that mean networked drives (located on another computer) or does it mean other drives in the same computer?I have two internal hard drives, and four USB (External) drives attached to a server, and I want (need?)

/etc/default/rcS || true First, login as the root user:The -F option force fsck on reboot, login as root and type the following command to reboot and run fsck:The above mentioned solution only works with the old SysVinit and early versions of Upstart. If fsck dies for some reason (like trying to run on a mounted or read-only file system, oops) then the counter is not reset.As for running on fsck on the partition mounted on /home, that should automagically mount, and will be checked at that time; just do (no quotes) “sudo touch /home/forcefsck” if mounted and if not mounted, you can run it directly, if you can log in, that is. Currently it only supports the linux-2.6 evdev interface. !Use “sudo chattr +i /forcefsck” without the quotes if you want to perform a filesystem check every time the Raspberry PI boots, I do just to check for problems with the SD card. The +i makes the file forcefsck immutable so it doesn’t get removed even after a reboot. Upon reboot, you should have the keyboard and mouse working for you. .

You can:shutdown -rF now <-will reboot and forcefsck now. This will reboot/restart windows subsystem for Linux -WSL (Ubuntu, Debian, Kali, OpenSUSE etc). Respectively, I show below explanation for each key.

# set $LANG so that messages appearing in plymouth are translated

It won’t work with systemd. for arg in $line; do If you ever find yourself in a situation like that, there is another option to force the system to reboot or shutdown. [ -f /forcefsck ] && force_fsck="--force-fsck" Frce fsck on next boot using shutdown command (may not work on many modern distros) The -F option force fsck on reboot, login as root and type the following command to reboot and run fsck: # shutdown -rF now The above will check all the relevant partitions immediately.

Try the command below: gnome-session-quit --power-off --force , then apply whatever keyboard shortcut you want to it. More info: man shutdownYour ‘shutdown’ tip won’t work on many modern distributions, since they use Upstart instead of the old Sysvinit system.Upstart has dropped many legacy commands that would be better done differently, in favor of a modern lean system.‘touch /forcefsck’ is currently the most universal way.On RHEL 4, ‘shutdown -rF’ just writes /forcefsck anyway.There’s no need to use the touch command, “>/forcefsck” will do.What about trying to force fsck another partition ?umount /dev/hdb2; fsck -y -c -f /dev/hdb2;echo ‘w00t’Will performing a “shutdown -rF now” or a “touch /forcefsck ” at a specific date and time once a week prevent the “automatic fsck” that is forced by the ext2/ext3 partition parameters ?? Changing the GRUB file is a temporary change and not persistent. case $arg in It recognises key combinations and can handle press, repeat and release events. Keyboard; Shortcuts tab; Custom Shortcuts; Then the little + icon. (can be set by tune2fs ) – i mean.. will it “reset” the timeouts/deadlines if doing a force fsck manualy once a week so there will be no “surprise” when trying to reboot my server if needed ??

If you're using a keyboard made for a PC, such as a keyboard with a Windows logo, try a keyboard made for Mac. esac You can give it the name "Shutdown", and the command. This is very useful to check other filesystems besides the root /so you have to place the Mount count higher than 38 with the following command:check the value changed with tune2fs -l and then reboot!On my servers I like to set the filesystem Maximum mount count to 1, because when the server ever gets shutdown some shit did happen!

;; It uses a plain-text configuration file which contains all the bindings. In Linuxmint 17.2 Mate, is there a shortcut for reboot/shutdown, or a command (Normal user not Root)?Ctrl + Alt + Del Just get out a dialogue, what I want is a command for normal user that can shutdown/reboot directly. if [ -e /proc/cmdline ]; then It is often used to recover from freezes, or to reboot a computer without corrupting the filesystem.So if you are in a situation where you cannot reboot or shutdown the server, you can force an immediate reboot by issuingIf you want you can also force a sync before rebooting by issuing these commands Now, reboot the system: # reboot.