He received his BA from Yale University in 1978 and his PhD in Anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1988. By using a multi-proxy approach, it is possible to differentiate between predominantly fuel-based deposits and those resulting from predominantly crop-processing processes with greater resolution. Elle a permis de définir, à titre provisoire, la signature compositionnelle des céramiques fabriquées localement et d'identifier quelques échantillons qui semblent avoir été produits ailleurs. Here we present a case-study integrating a simple, well-established geo-archaeological approach to assess the presence and relative abundance of dung spherulites within paired sediment and flotation samples from Ubaid period Tell Zeidan, Syria (5300–5100 bc). Here we present a case-study integrating a simple, well-established geo-archaeological approach to assess the presence and relative abundance of dung spherulites within paired sediment and flotation samples from Ubaid period Tell Zeidan, Syria (5300–5100 bc). Since 2012, he has been director of the Oriental Institute’s partnership with the National Museum of Afghanistan in Kabul. Cette région a entretenu au cours de sa Préhistoire des liens culturels forts avec l'Anatolie orientale, le Nord-Ouest de l'Iran, la Syrie occidentale et la Mésopotamie méridionale. Studies Syria (Archaeology), Early Bronze Age (Archaeology), and Archaeology. We report here on an INAA compositional analysis of 32 Ubaid and LC1-LC3 ceramics from Surezha, an analysis representing the first stage in a study of the interaction between Surezha and other sites in the surrounding regions.

When spherulites are preserved within sediment in abundance, they are also present in floated material, so it is possible to use this approach to consider the presence of dung within archived macro-botanical samples and resolve decade-old debates. Cet article présente les résultats de l'analyse de composition par activation neutronique (INAA) de 32 céramiques de Surezha datées de l'Obeid et du Chalcolithique récent 1 à 3 (LC1-LC3). Chicago, Oriental Institute Publications.In 2017–18 the Oriental Institute continued its cultural heritage preservation work in Afghanista...In 2017–18 the Oriental Institute continued its cultural heritage preservation work in Afghanistan. The three cultural heritage grants in Afghanistan are funded by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. As even a passing familiarity with the history of the region suggests, efforts at empire failed at least as often as they succeeded in a geographical and cultural landscape highly conducive what James Scott calls the “art[s] of not being governed.” The conference aims to focus on the limits of empire in Afghanistan, as a means of better comprehending the workings of the regimes that laid claim to its territories and the responses of its populations. This partnership and its related projects are funded by the US Department of State and the US Embassy in Kabul, with several key goals: a) developing a bilingual objects management database, b) conducting a full inventory of the NMA's holdings, c) doing conservation assessments for the objects, d) rehousing the objects in archival quality containers, e) restoration of sculptures from the early Buddhist monastic complex of Hadda (fig.Since Naomi Miller's first discussion of dung fuel within macro-botanical samples from Malyan, Ir...Since Naomi Miller's first discussion of dung fuel within macro-botanical samples from Malyan, Iran, considerations of dung fuel across Southwest Asia have become commonplace, yes archaeobotanists remain divided on: (1) the extent to which dung fuel contributed to archaeobotanical assemblages relative to remnants of repeated crop processing and household activities; and (2) the plant-based, middle-range theories that should be used to infer the presence of dung within macro-botanical assemblages. Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology UChicago Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Gil Stein’s main research interests focus on the development of early civilizations in the Near East and the archaeology of ancient colonies. Cet article présente les résultats de l'analyse de composition par activation neutronique (INAA) de 32 céramiques de Surezha datées de l'Obeid et du Chalcolithique récent 1 à 3 (LC1-LC3). He has excavated and surveyed in Arizona, New Mexico, Turkey, Syria, and the Kurdistan region in Northeast Iraq. (2017) Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Afghanistan. The Central Asian heritage project is based in Uzbekistan and supported by the U.S. Embassy-Tashkent.heo van den Hout (ed.)