This is part of our comprehensive database of 40,000 foods including foods from hundreds of popular restaurants and thousands of brands. Livestrong's MyPlate app estimates that a hefty 16-ounce frozen margarita has 300 calories. 0g 0%

0g 49g

0% 0g

* Prozentangaben/Tag beziehen sich auf eine Tageszufuhr von 2.000 Kalorien. 0% 2020

0% may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Total carbs in a Margarita is 10.67 (g), 4% of daily value. Bud light lime a rita is not class action says top bud light lime mang o rita mango margarita malt beverage 4 16 fl bud light lime straw ber rita malt beverage 25 fl oz can bud light lime a rita cans 16oz beercastleny.

0g A 6-ounce margarita on the rocks has 168 calories, so 16 ounces would pack a whopping 448 calories.
Carolyn Robbins began writing in 2006. 0g What constitutes a jumbo frozen margarita will vary from restaurant to restaurant. 0

Je nach deinem Kalorienbedarf sind deine Angaben höher oder niedriger. Shelly Lighting October 5, 2018. There are 235 calories in one serving of Taco Bell Margarita Freeze™ (16 oz). Nutrition Facts; For a Serving Size of : How many calories are in Margarita Mix? 0% 0%
Head to the diet generator and enter the number of calories you want. Squeeze ripe limes for a bright, fresh flavor and use just an ounce of tequila. oz 0mg 0mg