8 May 1945. VE Day, The Guardian, 8 May 1945. And that is not an easy thing to do.

(Is not Himmler himself reported to have said that Germany was now a vast lunatic asylum?) So in many of the papers from that day, news of the German surrender and the end of the war in Europe were understandably the biggest headlines.Since the biggest news had broken on the 7th, front Newspapers.com May 8, 1945. It would be not only a solution against the new forces in Europe, but the best guarantee of the continuation of Germany’s imperialist consciousness which would concentrate first on the demarcation lines between the different Germanys.During the past few weeks there has been a clear and dangerous move towards creating spheres of influence within liberated Allied and conquered enemy territory. Hunger and unemployment are not the best schools for reason and tolerance, but they will have many pupils.Over wide areas of Europe the bridges are broken; there is no link with the past But the past was not all bad, and we must nurse the embers of our civilisation until it can blaze again as it did after other great European catastrophes – after the age of the Barbarians and the long night of the Dark Ages, and after the Thirty Years War. This Act laid down that all operations would cease at 11 1 pm. Although it was decided at Yalta that the control of Austria should be a joint one, with Russian, British, American, and French zones of occupation and a central Allied Control Commission sitting in Vienna, no British, American, or French representative of the Commission has yet arrived in Austria.The problem is not one of experiment or compromise but of principle.

There was also the fact that, surrender or not, the Germans were still resisting the Red Army in Czechoslovakia.But it was one thing to agree on a second surrender and another to keep the first a secret. The time has now come to apply these plans.

The victory holiday will continue to-day before, as the King said in his broadcast to the nation last night, “we turn, fortified by success, to deal with our last remaining foe.”The last act of the enemy’s surrender was arranged to be staged in Berlin yesterday. All history and not least that of the immediate past has shown that the Continent cannot be dominated by one force or ideology.

If peace be indivisible, this is not peace.
Such weight upon Europe would stunt her natural development as a variegated but harmonious whole.

If the war has tried our courage and endurance, the peace will test our wisdom and our faith.The war against Germany officially came to an end at one minute past midnight this morning after a day of victory rejoicings by the people of Britain and her allies all over the world.Mr.

The Associated Press has been blamed (a little unjustly) because its correspondent at Supreme Allied Headquarters revealed the news to Britain and America. We have won the right to hope.Why might not whole communities and public bodies be seized with fits of insanity as well as individuals! streets across many Allied nations to celebrate the news of Germany’s surrender

Even at this moment we dare not forget that war still rages over a quarter of the globe, that British, Americans, and Chinese are being wounded or killed every hour of the day, and that many of the men who have won this victory in Europe will have again to screw their courage to the sticking-point and risk their lives in the Far East. Elaborate preparations have been made for this transition by the Great Powers, the Governments in exile, and their resistance movements at home. Even at … that the platitudes of Geneva were the urgent truth, and that the brotherhood of man, the unity of nations, and the indivisibility of peace are facts which we can no longer ignore. Would it be possible to make the search font any smaller? We have seen what can happen to a great nation which surrenders to its leaders the freedom of thought and speech and conscience. All rights reserved. But they also want again that sense of freedom, progress, and enjoyment of life which gave meaning to the nineteenth century. It was at the outset grey and then, before all the flags in the city and suburbs had blossomed out, the clouds released a soft, warm rain that fell too generously for several hours.But it did not spoil the decorations and it did not unduly damp the spirits of the young, who were the chief merrymakers and who poured from the outskirts into the city centre in their jubilant though somewhat aimless thousands we in time for the one local ceremony that served as a common focus and cue – the broadcasting of the Premier’s message from before the Town Hall.The war in Europe has ended, but just how or when may well puzzle the historians.

On his second appearance, made just after 10 30 p.m. when the Houses of Parliament were floodlit, he conducted the singing of “Land of Hope and Glory.”Manchester entered on its Victory in Europe rejoicings a little diffidently and the day was physically suited to the mood. This was so before Hitler and remains so after him.