Examples of pilgrims in a sentence: 1. Whether a simple day hike or an extended solo journey, nature always has a way of turning us into pilgrims.Traditionally, a walkabout is a rite of passage for male Aborigines in which they wander through the bush for up to six months. In Christian spirituality, the most significant traditional pilgrimage destinations throughout time are the Holy Land, Rome, and Santiago de Compostela (this journey is often called “The Camino,” meaning “The Way”—learn more here). On returning home the But they are to be judged as Oriental literature and if they contain jarring extravagances and puerilities, one may recall that even in modern Palestine it was found that the natives understood Robinson Crusoe as a religious book more readily than the His reign was remarkable for a naval conflict between the Egyptians and the Portuguese, whose fleet interfered with the The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Here are 10 types of pilgrimage, from outward journeys to inner ones and ancient destinations to modern:A traditional pilgrimage is a centuries-old journey to a well-known Sacred site.In Christian spirituality, the most significant traditional pilgrimage destinations throughout time are the Holy Land, Rome, and Santiago de Compostela (this journey is often called “The Camino,” meaning “The Way”—learn more We all come from somewhere, and as we seek to know more of ourselves and God, it is likely that a time will come when some of the answers to our questions lie in the past, in lands that our ancestors once called home.Ancestral pilgrimage is especially intriguing to those whose ancestors immigrated to the nation in which they live today, but can also be significant for those whose family has been rooted for quite some time. What a relief to know that I’m not totally crazy for following my passion to France; I’m a pilgrim. Pilgrims and the making of pilgrimages are common in many religions, including the faiths of ancient Egypt, Persia in the Mithraic period, India, China, and Japan.The Greek and Roman customs of consulting the gods at local oracles, such as those at Dodona or Delphi, both in Greece, are widely known.In Greece, pilgrimages could either be personal or state-sponsored. Whether the new season is initiated by the loss of a job, the dissolving of a relationship, or the death of a loved one, we can choose to deny the invitation to journey that is handed to us, or we can courageously surrender to the season at hand, facing its challenges head on and receiving its blessings in full.If we see the invitation as serendipitous and divine, the journey on which we embark can be life-altering.As with the spirit of the walkabout, sometimes a move springs up on us. said Pierre, naively, who had listened attentively to the The Roman Catholic church of the perhaps rather short-lived Vatican II era spoke about the ' If a cat allows you to costume it, you can dress it as a leprechaun, bunny, Every major costume shop sells colonial costumes, so you should browse to see what you like - whether it's a The site also has both detailed line drawings (good for older children) and simple cartoons such as Before reaching Montserrato, Ignatius purchased some sackcloth for a garment and hempen shoes, which, with a staff and gourd, formed the usual He first visited Taif at the invitation of the pasha, thence he proceeded to Mecca, where he spent three months studying every detail of the topography of the holy places, and going through all the ceremonies incumbent on a Moslem How far in all this and in the next vision the author is describing facts, and how far transforming his personal history into a type (after the manner of Bunyan's At an early age he had made himself familiar with The After 1 Shalford Fair, the chapels on the two hills and the Surrey hills are probably the scene of Bunyan's The Gallic leuga, or league, is a different unit, being 1.59 British miles by the very concordant itinerary of the Bordeaux He read and re-read in early boyhood the Bible, Aesop, Robinson Crusoe, That Alfred sent alms to Irish as well as to continental monasteries may be accepted on Asser's authority; the visit of the three The idea at the bottom of the "Knight and Death" seems to be a combination of the Christian knight of Erasmus's Enchiridion militis Christiani with the type, traditional in medieval imagery, of the - In the passages cited above, Bethlehem and the Mount of Olives figure as the main goal of the The Sepulchre and the Hill of the Crucifixion were lost to the Christian Of greater antiquity is the concise account of his travels by an anonymous The place to be visited was not specified; but the His authority was a Frankish bishop named Arculf, who resided for nine months as a Such is the account given by the nun of Heidenheim in her biography of Willibald; and her version is probably based on notes by the Consequently hospices arose which were designed exclusively for the In the 12th century they may be estimated at loo marks of silver (20o) for the ordinary In the 13th century a knight with two squires, one groom, and the requisite horses, had to disburse 82 marks of silver for his passage; while for a single In France St Martin remained the chief goal of the In 571 the Haiathalah (Ephthalites, q.v.) Retreats can serve as mini-pilgrimages during which we are invited to leave our everyday lives, learn from wise teachers, ask difficult questions, and try new things, all the while being reminded of what it means to take care of ourselves—mind, body, and soul.Another type of retreat is one of silence and solitude, often taken at a monastery or secluded retreat center. Informed by the values of the agricultural metaphor, the vocational sabbatical practiced today is an amazing opportunity to pause your work and cultivate something new and wild.I’ll first start by saying that I made this term up, but have been inspired to explore the intersection of pilgrimage and missions because of my own experience.