In the lake Bob; In a ditch Phil; Outside the door Matt; On the wall Art; What do you call his arms and legs? 40. A name joke is a form of that particular brand of humour so bad that one cannot help rolling hysterically on the floor laughing, wetting one's You're probably struggling with the coal scuttle already...The aim of this entry is to compile as complete a list of these works of art as is humanly possible.

What do you call man with a seagull on his head? This joke may contain profanity. Her name is Irene Sum. Tasteless Art! Irene! Know what a 6.9 is? If you have a great hand, you don’t need a partner.

39. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. Q: How do you blind an Vietnamese woman? --------CLIFF What do you call man with a spade stuck inthe top of his head?-------DOUG What do you call a mna without a spade stuck in the top of his head?------DOUGLAS What do you call a man with no arms and legs swimming in the sea?-------BOBWhat do you call a man with no arms and legs who can swim the channel?-------Clever DickWhat do you call a woman who does impressions of police cars?-----NINAWhat do you call a woman who knows how to get across a gap?------BRIDGETWhat do you call a woman who doesn't just use a book and a candle?-----ANNABELWhat do you call woman with a hairy top lip?---------TASH what do you call the womn who operates your sun-bed?------TANYAWhat do you call a man with a family of foxes up his arse?------DEN What do you call a man on the top of an oil well?-------DEREK What do you call a man who shoots down aeroplanes?------SAM What do you call a man who's full of Southampton Football Club?----DELWhat do you call a man who's always being p*****d on by americans?-----JOHN What do you call a man who smells of French cheese?------BARRYWhat do you call a woman who manufactures window ledges?---CILLAWhat do you call a woman who manufactures precious stones?----GEMMAWhat do you call a woman who hires buildings on a long term agreement?-------LISAWhat do you call a woman who completes a list of flightless birds that starts Ostrich, Emu, Kiwi, ------ANDREAWhat do you call a man who's made of thick, black , crumbly mud?---PETEWhat do you call an English woman who's had 3 double whiskys?------JILLWhat do you call a woman who's been punched by Batman?-----PAMWhat do you call a woman who's been dropped out of a cows bum?----PATWhat do you call a woman who's the ship's backup securing device?---BIANCAWhat do you call a man who's too polite to swear properly?----DARRENWhat do you call a man who's made of money?-----FRANKWhat do you call a man who's made of newspaper?-----RUSSELLWhat do you call a woman who's a very small amount of drugs?----TRACEYWhat do you call an american man who's swallowed a lump of Anthracite? The splash . Q: What happens when a Mexican and an Vietnamese man make a baby? And what do you call the same guy, 6 months later PETE!!!!! 38. Sad Name Jokes. A name joke is a form of that particular brand of humour so bad that one cannot help rolling hysterically on the floor laughing, wetting one's trousers and getting one's head stuck in the coal scuttle. A cherry float. Humor is essential, even — or especially — in tough times. For when you need a fast funny joke, here are some short jokes to get anyone giggling. 1 Conversation. Another good thing screwed up by a period.

It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers." It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. A: You put a windshield in front of him. Eileen Tufa'a! A: A car thief who can't actually drive is born. What do you call a one legged Japanese woman. A private tutor. "Content from the guide to life, the universe and everything This is another theme completely milked to death. What do you call man with a spade stuck inthe top of his head?-----DOUG. What do you call a man who never wants to hear one of these jokes again? Griff. By: Param | 0 Comments | On: May 23, 2015 | Category : Blast Jokes, Facebook Jokes, Whatsapp Jokes. Find out with our A-Z of the funniest ‘what do you call a man’ jokes. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers. h2g2 is created by h2g2's users, who are members of the public. For example, in 2019 alone, paleontologists unearthed a new bat-like dinosaur fossil, created a robotic dinosaur model that could run on a treadmill, and (continued) to debate what actually spelled the end for these reptilian beasts. What do you call a bunch joke What do you call a bunch of midgets doing the wave. What do you call man with a seagull on his head? LOUISEWhat do you call a woman who's just dropped a hot coal down the toilet?--LUCINDA