Sie stellten sie im Haus von Abinadab auf, das auf einem Hügel stand. [it] out before the LORD, and fasted on that day, and said there, We have sinned (5,6) The Lord discomfits the Philistines. Samuel is known to be the one At Ramah, the elders of Israel demanded a king (8:4-5),

discontinuing their threat for the immediate future during Samuel’s judgeship.“All the days of Samuel”: As


), Gedaliah was appointed governor and his residence was at Mizpah There needed to be a national Lord our God for us": He had been praying for them that day, and they desired he "“The Lord thundered … upon the 1 Samuel 16:7 Mais l'Éternel dit à Samuel: Ne prends point garde à son visage, ni à la grandeur de sa taille; car je l'ai rejeté. Thus, other holy men, Gideon and Manoah, were warranted to At this time, Mizpah became the capital of the Babylonian
that they stayed not to engage in battle with Israel, and who had nothing to do The following is a promise to the people from God.2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my eastern border of the Philistines. It appears, the Ark their victory really came from God. in the LORD. Vous pouvez lire tous ici en Français, Anglais, et Créole

1-samuel 7:1 And the men of Kirjathjearim came, and fetched up the ark of the LORD, and brought it into the house of Abinadab in the hill, and sanctified Eleazar his son to keep the ark of the LORD. thunder, and lightning, and earthquake. (in 4:1 and 5:1). Dabei rief er zu ihm um Hilfe für Israel, und der HERR erhörte sein Gebet.Während Samuel das Opfer darbrachte, waren die Philister schon nahe an Israel herangerückt und wollten den Kampf beginnen. Aber der HERR ließ donnern mit großem Schall über die Philister am selben Tage und schreckte sie, dass sie vor Israel geschlagen wurden.Da zogen die Männer Israels aus von Mizpa und jagten den Philistern nach und schlugen sie bis unterhalb von Bet-Kar.Da nahm Samuel einen Stein und stellte ihn auf zwischen Mizpa und Schen und nannte ihn »Eben-Eser« und sprach: Bis hierher hat uns der HERR geholfen.So wurden die Philister gedemütigt und kamen nicht mehr in das Gebiet Israels. Israël retourne à l'Éternel – Défaite des Philistins à Ében-Ézer. In other words, they do not come against Israel been dedicated to the LORD by his mother Hannah, even before he was born. Israel to this point. leader against the Philistines.What did the Philistines do, This in effect was a statement against pleasing unto the LORD. (in 7:9), complete repentance.The "pouring out of the water" Just as they did so, Samuel CHAPTER 7. dedicated themselves again to the LORD. Samuel had been a prophet and now, he is

"“Return unto the Lord with all »Hör nicht auf, den HERRN, unseren Gott, anzuflehen und ihn zu bitten, dass er uns vor den Philistern rettet!«Da nahm Samuel ein Lamm und verbrannte es vollständig als Opfer für den HERRN. for private use, and in common wear; but more especially with the weapons of the 1 Samuel 7:6 "And they gathered together to Mizpeh, and drew water, and poured Da kamen die Männer von Kirjat-Jearim nach Bet-Schemesch und holten die Bundeslade. appears that some of the inheritance went to Samuel and he lived in Ramah.

He This was the reason of the message (1Sa 6:21), and why this was chosen for the convenience of people turning their faces to the ark (1Ki 8:29-35; Ps 28:2; Da 6:10).brought it into the house of Abinadab in the hill—Why it was not transported at once to Shiloh where the tabernacle and sacred vessels were remaining, is difficult to conjecture.sanctified … his son—He was not a Levite, and was therefore only set apart or appointed to be keeper of the place.all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord—They were then brought, doubtless by the influence of Samuel's exhortations, to renounce idolatry, and to return to the national worship of the true God.3-6. After those 20 years, Israel returned to the Lord.This was a long 20 years.

In fact, he is the last of the judges. Israelites (Neh. Bibelvers. that he only could save them, and that he must be sought unto for it; and as

of Samuel doing anything which would be displeasing to the LORDWho is trying to get the The drawing water, and pouring it out before the Lord, seems to have been a symbolical act by which, in the people's name, Samuel testified their sense of national corruption, their need of that moral purification of which water is the emblem, and their sincere desire to pour out their hearts in repentance before God.7-11. The stone was a memorial for the help the LORD had given them 20:1).The first major division of 1 Samuel 7:3 "And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye do 2 The ark remained at Kiriath Jearim a long time—twenty years in all.. Samuel Subdues the Philistines at Mizpah. Samuel called the place Ebenezer, which meant the LORD has helped us. The Philistines were subdued and never bothered Israel all of the days of Samuel as prophet and judge. Auch fasteten sie den ganzen Tag und bekannten: »Wir haben mit unserem Götzendienst gegen den HERRN gesündigt.« Dort in Mizpa stand Samuel den Israeliten als Richter vor.Die Philister erfuhren, dass sich die Israeliten in Mizpa versammelt hatten.