Itgot mad and tried to attack me. I ran to a neighbor’s house and hid in his garage. The bee stung me yet i felt no pain. Can you please send a reply and tell me what this meansI was at a BBQ with some people I didn’t know. xMy dream had atleast 20 bee's stinging and atl me east 100 coming after me it was the scarest thing i ever seen cause i could feel the painWhen i woke up from my dream i could feel the pain of the bee sting too.something on here is kind of true about that cause of my dream but it was a queen bee that was trying to sting me and she even was on my skin but she didn't sting me. It kept going in my hair near my legs near my face and round my neck. Dream of killing bees is a bad dream. This dream means you are getting into some kind of trouble and that you might be having a … They might also indicate sacrificing for something you think is valuable.Sometimes this dream indicates not being able to just sit and relax, but being constantly overwhelmed and occupied with your work. What do you think this means?What does it mean to have a bee with a stinger bigger than usual. We were driving somewhere and when we got to the end of the street, my mom was spreading honey on the streets. Bee Swarm A beehive full of bees might also be a sign of happiness in your family.Swarms of bees in a dream are a very good sign, indicating happiness. Bees in dreams are also symbols of great time spent with friends or in social gatherings.Bees have a stinger, so they are considered a threat, although they attack only when feel threatened or when the beehive is somehow in danger. Nevertheless, Bees are necessary for flower and plant pollination, honey production (YUM! What does this mean?I kinda have the same dream I was sitting on the ground and a bee started circling me so I would wave my hands around trying to get it to go away then it stung my hand and I woke up with the pain in my handI had a dream of bees on both of my lower legs and they were covered in honey. ?/I dreamed a fuzzy, fluffy little bee had flown in the place I was visiting. With all of these negative experiences involving bees, you would probably imagine that a dream dictionary would have negative thoughts on them as well. Then this guide is for you! Depends on the context and your emotion when seeing the bees and their various activities, you can interpret the dreams in different ways.I had a dream I reached down to grab a small patch/shrub of spindle like grass in the centre was a Bee… It chased me around my yard and then eventually stung me on the shoulder. Bees in dreams can also symbolize your eagerness to work even harder.Bees are also symbols of human society, with its structure and rules. Our dreams like a window to inner world could open for us the truth meaning of what is going to happened in nearest future. You might also dream about bees when you need to help others finish their tasks on time. To the point it caused a week of arguments, she is the pesky bee trying to sting me on my “shoulder” my ability to provide and stand strong, and then also to constantly fix the weight of her involvement.Last night I had a dream that I was chasing a little dog who picked up a bee hive. Sometimes these dreams reflect being overwhelmed with other people’s problems and helping others.Dreams about bees might indicate developing some skills which will help you in life. The idiom “Queen Bee,” refers to a favored female, but of course, it also references the single female Bee all worker Bees commit to as well: Here Bees become a dream symbol of loyalty.

Everyone got close to the girl to help her remove the needle. And out of nowhere my friend came to my house but he was crazy drunk and his girlfriend and another friend was trying to sit him down so I let them chill I go back to my room to lay down. I went into a farmers market after to try to get help because I shuck my hand and they started to sting my right hand to see if anyone knew how to get them off of me.

The moment I cleared it, bees began pouring out. Dreaming about many bees flying. It stung me of course and I fainted.. What does this mean?! This site needs cookies to run. I was the cook.

whats this mean ? To see bees in your dream symbolize industry, good luck, wealth, harmony, creativity, and bliss. I stayed there scared to have a bad allergic reaction.Had a dream I was keeping bees black ones in my room then the queen tried to lay two baby’s in my pillow but I put them in a shoe box and placed it outside to burn it. It got to the point where the dream woke me up.Dreamed there was a bee trying to get out the window of my car and I was trying to get it out to and instead of knocking it out of the window I held on to it but it didn’t sting me.I had a dream that a bee was in my ear. When we become old enough to get rid of bees ourselves, and someone sees a bee on us, they will scream and vigorously insist that we swat it away before something bad happens. At first I was fearful but then became calm. it meant no harm but was literally just kind of stuck thereVery best which is relates to my dreaming so I appreciate you thanks so very much again keeps up have nice long highway for your you and your country OK.Loads of bees in my bedroom they were all trying to get on me but not to hurt me as I was not scared but when I tried to get out of my room they were trying to follow me when I got down the stairs my wrist was all swollen but was not soreWhat does it mean when you see bees attacking someone else(an old person in this case) and you are trying to help them.What does it mean to dream many bees flying passing you flying from back to front but not harmfulAman Jarso Kabeto from Ethiopia ,Oromia regional State If you dream that you killed a bee, it means that the illness will be a surprise, but it will not be fatal. What could this all mean? People who dream about bees generally lead happy lives. It is a sign of the power that you wield. I felt afraid of this bee was going to sting me and th ought if it did I would certainly be killed. I was able to get it to pollinate whenever I want by holding up a finger for the bee to land on, it never stung me. It hurt but not as i though it would.