But you could add "c'est une voiture neuve" to explain it's never been used yet.singular:neuf(m)/neuve(f) plural:neufs(m)/neuves(f) imply that something is new in a way that it hasn't been used and it is not worn.singular:nouveau(m)/nouvel(m)/nouvelle(f) plural:nouveaux(m)/nouvelles(f) imply that something is new in a way that is hasn't been encountered beforeotherwise alexmk has correctly explained why nouvel and nouveau are both used for the masculine singular formJust to add to what others have said, "Quoi de neuf?" I believe these are all the ways to say the word "new" in french. Paris' Pont Neuf or towns like Chateauneuf) or in a few fossilised expressions. bel et bien – well and truly, really, undoubtedly; tout … I heard the news yesterday evening. un livre nouveau: des livres nouv eaux: If there are mixed masculine and feminine nouns, the plural masculine adjective is used: Les filles et les garçons espagnol s; Personal Pronoun Agreement. If you don’t have one, sign up – it’s free! novella All qualifying adjectives (the ones used right next to a noun) must agree in gender and number with the noun they are describing. Note: You must be logged into your Progress with Lawless French account to take this test. Test yourself on agreement with Your support is entirely optional but tremendously appreciated. Expressions with bel. French proficiency test by Share: … feminine: singular: nouveau: nouvelle: plural: nouveaux: nouvelles … as well as a fifth form, nouvel, for masculine nouns that begin with a vowel. nouveau (new) before a masculine singular noun beginning with a consonant nouvel before a masculine singular noun beginning with a vowel or ‘h’ mute nouveaux before masculine plural nouns. une nouvelle = piece of news; les nouvelles = news (aka les actualités) Related lessons Expressions with neuf and nouveau; Introduction to adjectives; Euphonic adjectives; Movable adjectives; Numbers Share / Tweet / Pin Me! Une nouvelle robe. Irregular Adjectives Quiz. … Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)

Test yourself on agreement with beau, nouveau, and vieux with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise: Promenade en forêt. © 2020 Lawless French. (masculine plural)A newly released cellphone = un nouveau téléphone portable (masculine singular)A new student = un nouvel élève (masculine singular followed by word that starts with a vowel)A new chance = une nouvelle chance (feminine singular)New friends who are all girls = de nouvelles amies (feminine plural)It's also worth noting that "neuf" used to mean new in its general sense, but that usage is now only found in place names (e.g. Adjectives ending in -s or -x change in the plural forms only when feminine : Beau, nouveau, vieux have different plural forms for masculine and feminine (adjectives) Forming the plural of adjectives ending in -al: Forming the plural of adjectives ending in -al (exceptions) Plurals of the and a = les and des (articles) Forming the plural of nouns ending in -eu: Forming the plural of nouns ending in -au or -eau: Forming … Un nouveau chapeau. The French adjectives need to agree with the personal pronoun they describe: “Je”, “tu”, “vous” and the polite “vous”: Êtes-vous américain, Monsieur ? The majority of French adjectives are written in the plural by simply adding an -s to either than masculine or feminine form.

Nouveau-nouvel: un nouveau pont - un nouvel appartement BUT l’appartement est nouveau; NOTE: some French nouns starting with “h” are treated as though they start with a vowel: Homme: un vieil homme - un bel homme. Vieux before a masculine singular noun beginning with a consonant vieil before a … Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.