Sounds which make me feel something opening inside me in a way I have never experienced before;  connects me to the universe in a way I never imagined possible.

And we can. Awe that, even though the sounds were recorded over 40 years ago, makes me shiver, forces me to admit I, too, am part of the wonder of the universe. The dramatisation of the discoveries helps us establish a connection with the bank of intricately complex information we have on the design of the Cosmos.Driving that power to understand Life, gaining a one-point perspective, that one equation for all and one theory that explains all is becoming increasingly important today. What awe would fill this world if we all understood, down to the tiniest particle of our being, that we aren’t different.

How will it end? © 2017-2019 Kinkazzo & Daubmir, and respective copyright holders for any transcripts/excerpts.

It's all alone in a sea of stars. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from.

You told the first eye it is blue like the morning sky, The third that it is black as ebony, and the fourth that it is brown like the barks of trees. Once there were four eyes, not four pairs of eyes, just four eyes.


Mar 14, 2016 - “We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself.” ©Penabranca We Are The Way For The Cosmos To Know Itself - Out Of Doubt (Nandu Ealy Morning Mix) 2.

concepts that make sense of the world to us, which we use to formulate our

Wait and wonder about the cosmos, give yourself a moment to think: of all that you are made up is the same starstuff the Cosmos is.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:The first milestone in my journey to becoming an author.

We are creatures of the cosmos and always hunger to know our origins, to understand our connection with the universe.

Somewhere out there, beyond our sight, in the blackness both outside and inside us, there is an emptiness we all understand – loneliness, fear, death –  but we do not need to be afraid.

Many talks are still happening via Zoom! Every culture on the planet has devised its own response to the riddle posed by the universe.

Through his television series ‘Cosmos’ and book, based on the show, he set out to weave a story about our world, the objects found beyond our shores, the nature of our cosmic ocean, and our place in it.He familiarized us with the concept that all that there is, including us come from one source.– Author and TV show host of ‘Cosmos’ – Carl Sagan AstrophysicistIt is true that, if this is all there is, studying and recording the movements, discovering locations of objects, and how it all comes together as a finished jigsaw puzzle has been a pursuit, the primordial pursuit of humankind.

5 min 15 sec We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself.

We are one. One human or even the most powerful instrument created by human beings isn’t yet capable of understanding, let alone summarising the entire cosmos.

can be seen both in our fascinationWe all operate within a framework of

“"No one grows tired of the moon. Even the small one-celled amoeba? This connection is forced upon us by the remarkable success of the scientific process in uncovering new information about the universe in which we are immersed. Did dinosaurs ponder the wonders of space?

He created a hopeful experiment through his book to communicate core ideas and methods of understanding the language of the Cosmos.

The creatures of this world don’t need to ponder space because they are space.

A Way of Life and Spiritual Community serving Washington DC Metro Area from Northern Virginia It is programmed to deliver these things in abundance. We Are The Way For The Cosmos To Know Itself.

I gratefully and joyously accept themI am thankful for all the ways that the Cosmos knows itself as and through me and as and through each of us, enriching our lives with so much wonder.And in that gratitude, I simply surrender, release, let go, and let in the real, the new, the magnificent, knowing that it is mine and it is me right now and always.