Eliminating each of these products created a new more expensive replacement and usually put the opposition out of business while friends of the state benefited (the real goal).Kissinger one of the “experts” and crafters of the New World Order said: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” This US strategy deliberately destroyed family farming in the US and abroad and led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations. Do you even know? That I am a horible.

Climate is not.

The difference with Trump is: HE FIGHTS BACK. So knowing that, why not fight back and expose the lies.What are you afraid of? Anyone you know for a few days?

He should be our example. Basically because today’s people have very little self esteem and they become validated by what others say. This is nothing more than shoplifting on a grand scale. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. Karen co-hosts her radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio,” on blogtalkradio.com/americanstatesman and redstatetalkradio.com has numerous videos on teapartychannel.net, freedominamerica.us and youtube, and she is often a guest on other radio and TV shows.

A mother bird deceives when she pretends to have a broken wing to divert the attention of a perceived predator – including unwitting humans – from the eggs in her nest, instead to her, as she draws the predator away from the location of the nest, most notably a trait of the It is asserted that the capacity to lie is a talent human beings possess universally.Although men and women lie at equal frequencies, men are more likely to lie in order to please themselves while women are more likely to lie to please others.Stereotypically speaking, Smith asserts that men like to exaggerate about their sexual expertise, but shy away from topics that degrade them while women understate their sexual expertise to make themselves more respectable and loyal in the eyes of men and avoid being labelled as a ‘scarlet woman’.A recent study found that composing a lie takes longer than telling the truth.Some people believe that they are convincing liars, however in many cases, they are not.Various passages of the Bible feature exchanges that assert lying is immoral and wrong (Other passages feature descriptive (not prescriptive) exchanges where lying was committed in extreme circumstances involving life and death, however, most Christian philosophers would argue that lying is never acceptable, but that even those who are righteous in God's eyes sin sometimes. Lay requires a direct object. Just Lie Back and Enjoy It book. America will just be another poor country with 2 classes, rich and poor aka the “It’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”, Fredrick Douglass.Is America worth saving? Something can lie somewhere, but it cannot lay there. When math teachers can’t do math and reading teachers can’t read, Houston we have a problem.Education is not mentioned in our constitution because our founders knew that education is a local issue and must be dealt with locally. Instead they will just comply and let the government take care of them. But on the flip side, they believe the deaths create one less mouth to feed. Globalists are shallow.

When the owners of the home, Thomas and Linda Clarke, return the next day to greet Jude, they are unaware that their demise could …

This is the story of Melody Fitzgerald/Mercy, who was young, wild, and free. “According to UN Agenda 21/2030 and its advisors and authors- see quotes below, the environment was chosen as the best way to control the people. This boon may Ahuramazda together with the gods of the royal house give to me! " Pollution is not weather or climate. The same rule applies to laying and lying. School programs like IB and Common Core are designed to transform Americans into accepting collectivism and social justice. Just lie, And say you love me, Just say, That Im just wortless, Quit lying, lying, lying. Upon this country may there not come an army, nor famine, nor the Lie; this I pray as a boon from Ahuramazda together with the gods of the royal house. Just truth, And say you hate me. Read 3 reviews from the world's largest community for readers.

They don’t car what you say so why be affected by what they say?

The potential consequences of lying are manifold; some in particular are worth considering.

We can make a difference.In 2017, Florida got HR989 passed which gives any Florida resident the right to challenge the errors, omissions, bias and lies in our textbooks and printed material. Education is supposed to provide the skills necessary to develop an individual’s intellectual ability while providing a sense of morality. I will not comply. Use this mnemonic - LAY - (pLAce) and LIE - (recLIne) Lie does not require a direct object. They will do anything, say anything to try to discredit POTUS.


Karen has testified in front of the Florida Legislature on many occasions, is a Director of Panhandle Patriots, a founder of the AgEnders, (Americans ending Agenda 21) , Co- chair of the Florida Assessment Committee on Education and Director of the Save America Foundation.

I Guess I'll Just Lie Here Lyrics: I guess I'll just lie here / Way too awake / Thinking of everything that could go wrong / And thinking of everyone I've treated wrong / … Today education is used to promote dependence on government by taking from those who have and giving to those who want. The number one reason people lie when it just doesn’t matter is because they actually do think it matters. So we are told to save the plane we must give up:  aerosol cans, inexpensive lightbulbs, pure gas in autos, large sodas and of course plastic straws. You lie down, but you lay something down. [Therefore,  if we gave all the families in the world 1/4 acre of land, everyone would fit in the USA.The real question is why are we being lied to? The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.

Because education is local, I believe we can actually make a change. Too much money is involved. What is going on in your state?