your own Pins on Pinterest While sleeping Serena kicked the car into gear and it rolled down the hill.

While en route to the Lighthouse, Eve's car broke down at a thrift shop and Eve had Kevin come pick her up. Eve began working more closely with Ian after feeling excluded from Kevin's life, who was hesitant to discuss his past.

Eve made a full recovery and had no memory of falling in love with Ian. Michael cared about her, even fell in love with her, but his evil brother Caleb wanted Eve's baby for himself and Livvie to raise as their own. Eve happily accepted. In exchange for Eve's freedom, Eve had to sleep with him. Chris refused to treat Greg and Eve stepped in and did all she could, but Cooper died. Ben came back and he and Arianna fought on the stairs and she miscarried her baby. Ian and Eve reunited at the church and Ian, after seeing a wooden cradle, realized Eve was pregnant. Michael cared about her, even fell in love with her, but his evil brother Caleb wanted Eve's baby for himself and Livvie to raise as their own. Against Boardman's orders, Ian and Eve decided to treat terminally ill Mr. Green with an alternative herbal medication. This shocked Julie, because Julie recognized Allison as her deceased brother Buddy's ex-girlfriend.

A social worker intervened and Eve had to move in with Kevin in order to maintain custody of Danny. Eve realized true love never really died and that she and Ian had been lovers in several lifetimes. His life had been spared. Ed promised she would see her husband and son again someday. Planning the honeymoon they'd never had, Eve went to pick up the plane tickets while Ian visited Amy. Eve and Ian returned home and found out Arianna had been secretly stashed away thanks to Victor. A bomb was placed in an elevator at GH, trapping Mary, Joe, Karen, Lucy, Ellen, Julie and Eve inside. Julie confronted her father and a terrible argument ensued. Rae Cummings came to town looking for her daughter and she and Eve bonded and they thought Eve could be Rae's daughter, but that turned out false. Ian didn't help the situation by sleeping with Lucy, Kevin's fiancée and Eve's former archrival. As much as they loved each other, they still couldn't connect on the right wavelength. Julie and Cooper continued holding Eve and Kevin and Lucy hostage. Bennett found out the interns had given him falsified data; he kicked them off the project and locked them out of the lab. Eve had been hit by Arianna who was on the run form her brother Ben. What about me? Frank learned about Eve's fake alibi and attacked Chris and knocked him unconscious.

While Scott was out of town on business, Lucy was furious because she feared Eve would replace her in Serena's life.

Ian had killed Harris in a sword fight and he and Eve escaped, the helicopter crashed in the woods, and they made their way to a cabin and nearly made love, but decided to wait until Eve told Kevin the truth. Lucy was guilt-ridden but couldn't bring herself to tell Scott the truth. Eve tried to help Lucy and Scott by meeting DV to find out why he was out to ruin the Serena Line. Kevin cleared Julie of the stabbing and fingered Greg Cooper (he had disguised himself as Julie). The killer was still at large and the cops now had a clue to go on as someone who resembled Eve was caught on tape on the roof of the hospital. Kevin and Eve escaped but had no memory of what had really happened. Ian took her to the Harris compound, where they had first admitted and accepted their love for each other, and asked her for one last chance. Everyone believed Ian and Eve had been killed in the explosion. Ben found out the truth, returned to town and stabbed Arianna. She was formerly a Physician at Port Charles General Hospital and died in …

Lucy's plan did work, sort of, and Scott blamed Eve for the accident and ordered her out of his and Serena's life. His life had been spared. Eve never died and she never came into contact with Ian Thornhart as he was nothing more than a character in Lucy's book.