but she gave up the names… I pray to God they find her!
We use cookies to operate Change.org and give you relevant content. He stalked his prey, groomed his prey, gave his prey a false sense of trust and reliability… He saw me make some mistakes at work and would say “I don’t want you to get in trouble, so I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that…” and stuff like that so that I would interpret his actions as being a big brother type… As SOON as my ex, Kyle, left for basic training, he moved in and went in for the kill. The family has not been kept informed from the base of Ft Hood and now that body parts are being found in separate areas, the people accused to be responsible or Suspects, are not seeing their day in court.

They told us to watch out for one another and to stay in pairs or groups when off duty. Most likely he is the reason this girl can’t be found. You never gave up. JUSTICE FOR VANESSA GUILLEN! Seems like no light can come to respecting our country united as one. Neither will we. . SIGN THE PETITION In late April, Pfc. Please help the Guillen Family and @attorneynataliekhawam win the fight for Vanessa Guillen, because we will not stop, we will not be silent, and we will not talks nothing else but # justiceforvanessaguillen and for the # iamvanessaguillen bill to be pass ! God will have the last word Vanessa. Because it’s been a fair amount of time and I’ve gone through countless hours of therapy for this and MANY OTHER issues that I developed bc of my service, I no longer feel ashamed to talk about it. How can people within a command be covering for people who have committed such a heinous crime. Would love to take the support overseas. !I appreciate the family standing up for justice for Vanessa’s safe return, whereabouts and I am praying for her safety and protection thank you!I just happened to run across this article. It took her family and friends working night and day to appeal to the commanding officers to get We will keep fighting for you.
Prayers for her family during this difficult time.THEY KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS YOUNG BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!!! It has been more than a month without knowing anything about her.How did she disappear on base? One has taken his life according reports after body parts arose and the others are higher ups and ranked officers waiting silently for what is to come.Vanessa was being sexually harassed at work and was asked to come in on her day off the day she went missing. I would say that others in the unit knew who was following PFC Guillen around like a puppy dog. I will never forget this conversation. . The person in question is probably senior in rank and is married. She did not just vanish. We demand the truth, we demand the family sees these held responsible in court for PROPER sentencing, we demand that the family gets PROPER compensations, and we demand that Ft Hood be shut down. Rather than setting the example and bearing the standard for me, I was prey to him. . THERE IS A SICK SECRET being kept and we demand justice. Dear Congressional Representatives: On April 22, 2020 U.S. Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen was murdered inside an armory at Fort (44 signatures on petition) SHE CHOSE TO FIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY AND THIS IS HOW THE US ARMY REPAYS HER!!! . Vanessa Guillén was a 20-year-old U.S. Army soldier who authorities believe was murdered on April 22, 2020, inside a Fort Hood, Texas, armory by another enlisted soldier, Aaron David Robinson, age 20. Please do the right thing by her and speak up. A better investigation needs to be done. . !She served our country and died doing so by her own brothers. We will keep pushing to find you. This is something every single enlisted female has to live with and endure indefinitely. Pfc. She is supposed to be safe while doing so.Help us get answers about her whereabouts. How can our military see this happening and not take stronger action. A PFC in the armory alone and leaving all her personal belongings? God bless her family, and please find her! And through your life and sacrifice, you will save and protect the rest of us. For either way you will be taken advantage of. Bring light to Vanessa Guillen who stood proud for our flag, who was brave to respect and serve our country like most people dont. Vanessa needs to be found. It is only at the expense of our BRAVE AND BATTERED VICTIMS.