There are many DHW system configurations available, each offering unique performance features, and there are also various heat sources. Though the boiler-fired water never mixes with the water in the storage tank, it circulates through the coils in the heat exchanger, which in turn heat the water for household use. In a typical arrangement, a closed-loop water pipe connects the boiler to the indirect water heater, feeding heated water to it.

Better tankless heaters have efficiency ratings in the 80 - 95% range but typically last just 15 - 20 years. As you assess the alternatives, don’t forget to factor in one especially compelling option that often gets overlooked.Indirect water heaters aren’t new—they’ve been around for decades. Why? Indirect water heaters can be significantly cheaper in the long run, as well as more environmentally efficient. In fact, according to the Department of Energy, under ideal circumstances indirect water heaters are “the least expensive means of providing hot water” to the point-of-use fixtures you rely on every day, multiple times a day.

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But while the up-front costs may be considerable, indirect water heaters usually don’t need expensive service or repairs.

Typically, the letter stands for the month—“A” for January, “B” for February, and so on, through “L” for December—and the next two numbers indicate the year it was made. As a rule of thumb, water heaters are not designed to last much beyond about 10 to 15 years (more or less). The bad news is that without consulting a contractor, it can be difficult to determine which of the many types of water heater would be the best for your situation. But in either case, the “indirect” unit doesn’t produce its own heat; instead, it relies on the boiler. You agree that may process your data in the manner described by our Regardless of system setup, energy efficiency is an important aspect to consider: higher-efficiency heaters come with an increased price tag, but the additional cost is recovered many times during their service life in th… An indirect heater can handle that high flow rate without reducing the temperature or flow.

Domestic hot water systems are among the most important and basic appliances required by modern society.
If you’re tired of dreading the arrival of your utility bills, take the next step toward investigating whether an indirect water heater would make sense for your needs, your budget, and your home. Many manufacturers even supply a lifetime guarantee.Whether you need to replace a broken water heater or simply wish to upgrade, O’Brian concludes, “If you have a boiler or plan to put in a boiler, an indirect unit stands out as the clear choice” for reliable, cost-effective water heating. Eventually, though, Even if you can’t track down the documentation for your current appliance, you can examine the serial number, which consists of a letter followed by a series of numerals, located on the upper portion of the water heater to determine when it was manufactured. But today, with growing concern for the environment and rising energy costs, indirect units are enjoying renewed popularity. If you have a brand-new high-performance boiler capable of achieving 96 percent efficiency, you’re much better off than you would be with a tankless unit that offers 80 percent efficiency or a conventional unit with a rate of efficiency in the 60 or 70 percent range.Intrigued?

The good news is that with manufacturers competing to come up with ever more effective solutions, the category now boasts a more diverse range of options than ever before. At the very least, O’Brian says, “hire a pro to handle the installation.” Portions of the work are DIY-friendly, but properly sizing an indirect water heater involves a set of complex calculations best left in the hands of a trained and experienced installer. When the rod has corroded to such an extent that it can no longer do its job, those particles settle at the bottom of the water tank, where they eventually destroy the lining. Not least because of the many considerations involved, O’Brian strongly recommends discussing your plans with a contractor. But like it or not, when an existing hot water heater fails, even the most uninvolved homeowners have to shake off their inertia and familiarize themselves with the product landscape. Most simply take it for granted that whenever they turn on the shower or start the dishwasher, the hot water will be ready and waiting. Given that water heaters consume a lot more energy than most people think—more energy than most other household appliances combined—opting for a high-efficiency solution can go a long way toward improving your bottom line, especially over the long term.To understand its ingenious design, the first thing to know is that an indirect water heater is, in essence, little more than a well-insulated storage tank that holds a coiled heat exchanger, though a less common version relies on a tank-in-tank design. So to answer the question of “how long does a … For some homeowners in certain parts of the country, indirect water heating can deliver a powerful one-two punch of energy use reduction and cost savings. Here's what you need to know to understand its potential life span.
And, depending on the size of your boiler, it can do it while delivering almost limitless hot water.