(At the beginning strong players in vacation mode were also colored yellow like honorable targets - despite that the could be attacked and weren't, therefore, targets at all - but … It then colors appropriately the players who are in vacation mode, are inactive (7 days of inactivity) or long inactive (35 days of inactivity), and colors everybody else while (the color of the neutral targets in the Galaxy). #%% get a list of all the planets universe.

or ask for the status (active, inactive, banned, holiday etc. Even worse, the player names in the highscores (the statistics) are also colored - but using a different color scheme. This will be possible on almost every page when searching for a player or alliance.

4) The list of players provided by the game API is updated no more often than once in 24 hours. This little script tries to resolve the confusion to a certain extent. Game Servers from only $0.24/slot!


OGame Stats & Tools - Playersearch, statistics, planets and many other tools for OGame Quickfinder Choose universe: Quantum Rigel Taurus Vega Wasat Betelgeuse Cygnus Deimos Eridanus Fidis Ganimed Hyperion Izar Japetus Kallisto Libra Unity Nusakan Oberon Polaris Quaoar Rhea Spica Tarazed Uriel Virgo Wezn Xanthus Yildun Zibal Aquarius Bellatrix Cosmos Dorado …

).get the complete list of players within a specific allianceget to see the distribution of the planets owned by the alliance members.Don't spam the servers with requests. More info? OGame.us needs your help! (A local copy is now kept in THIS IS A STATIC MIRROR OF USERSCRIPTS.ORG - LOGINS DO NOT WORK

Be sure to include the tests.
All Game Servers include 50% off a Voice Server & a Free Website! Player- and Allysearch (Stats and cords of players and alliances) Galaxy (Explore the hole galaxy with one click) Statistices (Some lists of statistics) Flighttimes (Calculate any durations of flights) Fleetvalue (A niftly little tool to sum up your fleet's value) Expeditions (Calculate the perfect Arrangement of your most successful expedition)

(At the beginning strong players in vacation mode were also colored yellow like honorable targets - despite that the could be attacked and weren't, therefore, targets at all - but this has been fixed meanwhile and they are colored gray now.) 0.3.6 UniverseView is a fast and fun add-on for OGame. It uses the game API to read the status of the players (and, therefore, works only in OGame version 4.1.0 or higher).

This version supports OGame version 7.0.0, enable it via the "Version 7 (Player classes)" setting. Please report bugs here: OGame board In version 3.0 Gameforge introduced a truly psychedelic set of colors for the player names. UniverseQuestions (universe_id, community) than you could take a look at the data sets.

Pull requests welcome.

There are only two colors there - yellow for honorable targets and gray for everybody else. As a result, the colors of some player names in the highscores might not match their colors in the Galaxy - for instance, if an inactive player has just become active or a player has left vacation mode.

Info : Makes alliance evolution stats from the OGame alliance memberlist and transforms it into a forum friendly code; Author : EliasGrande

As somebody put it on the Russian board: Please try enabling it if you encounter problems.#%% supply the two inputs to uniquely identify a universe##%% get the coordinates and names of all the planets of a player 2) The script doesn't color green the players who are under noob protection. This is done by the game; not by the script. XML attributes, it's easy to just pickle your ... are generally welcome.

Developed and maintained by the Python community, for the Python community.

Even worse, the player names in the highscores (the statistics) are also colored - but using a different color scheme. Some features may not work without JavaScript.

3) Banned players are missing from the highscores completely.