Also, t… Press J to jump to the feed. This is the required number to get the ‘Gift Police Headquarters’. Once you have loaded the city the Police Stations will be sitting there flashing the ‘No-Power’ message. Say you have a lot of struggling industries with blue-collar workers who demand for lower taxes.Or if you open too many churches you get bible-thumpers who start protesting funerals or speaking out against social progressiveness.Or you get tree-huggers who complain about your demolishing of forests or over-saturation of industry.In each case, these sims would lower happiness in specific areas, driving property values down.Sounds very complicated but it were certainly make for a more life like simulation.Say you have a lot of struggling industries with blue-collar workers who demand for lower taxes.if you open too many churches you get bible-thumpers who start protesting funerals or speaking out against social progressivenessOr you get tree-huggers who complain about your demolishing of forests or over-saturation of industryThis would be nice, but what leans me away from this idea is that the amount of land given in SimCity is so insignificant to begin with, that demolishing the smallest amount of forestland to make way for an avenue could be enough to trigger protests, or nothing happens since there aren't many forests to start off with.What could prompt protests from environmentalists, however, could be items such as dirty power, industry (which you brought up), nuclear energy (for danger of fallout), traffic volume and congestion, etc.I think this game is balanced really bad. 6. There are also 3D animations displayed for each building in the building query windows. The View Model is available after the population reaches 50,000 people. Build a casino city and have it survive for a year. Hopefully it will make a return at some point.CitiesXL made it work, and it made the game more challenging and rewarding.Need to bring back the old budget stuff. What if you experienced political movements? When you begin the game, immediately start a new city. Graphics were added for buildings under construction in the residential, commercial, and industrial zones, as well as darkened buildings depicting abandoned buildings as a result of The game also included several playable scenarios, in which the player must deal with a disaster (in most, but not all scenarios) and rebuild the city to meet a set of victory conditions. Your home appears after the population reaches 2,000. The objective of SimCity, as the name of the game suggests, is to build and design a city, without specific goals to achieve (except in the scenarios, see below). Memory: This option is important. Dr. Wright acted as an advisor again in SimCity 64. 11. Don't the roads get potholes(which slow traffic) when there is an earthquake?Roads get potholes by existing almost anywhere. This is the only port of the game to feature such pictures. An outline might look like:-How land value works---the grid (the 4x4 areas, you know what I mean)---relationships and proximities of zones, gifts, roads etc.-shifting land value---Proximity of zones to one another---how roads and rails factor in It's a bad example. Buildings rising just due to time passing and some parks. Load your other city (that you want the gift for). A few new "natural" disasters were also included, most of them being giant monster attacks (players were able to use their monster to fight against them). The only additions are new scenarios from Great Disasters scenario pack, including one that involves a new volcano forming in The port also allows the player to tour their city from a car's perspective and has a It featured some additional features, mainly mini-games, a dating game, TV to replace the newspaper, horse races and monster breeding, among others, all of them in 3D.

Enacting city ordinances and connecting to neighboring cities became possible. City Parks are available after 300, 600, and 900 acres of Parks are built. message, Press Left, A, Right, Y, Up, B, Down, X, Select, Start, Start, Select, R(2), L(2) on controller two.Stuck in this game? When the tax screen appears, take all the tax funding down to their minimums, and select ‘Go with figures’. If you think you are an expert then please try to help others with their questions. You will need to be able to see at least one Police Station for this step. My suggestion for the new SimCity: Hard mode. Perhaps a balance issue with plobbables that get destroyed with roads though...I'd be interested to hear some other suggestions too and I really hope something like this is implemented.Definitely support road maintenance and trading tax...Disasters destroying roads would be a huge change since building are attached. Build it near Commercial Zones. Here are some of my suggestions:Road maintenance costs - self explanatory really. Not sure on this one but so often I see a disaster tear through my city and think oh shit what do I do now? It's as if there's millions of sims, shopping and workplaces right outside the border of your region just waiting for you to zone anything to stream in. Merry Christmas, if you support the devs, email them, send a donation, buy something they profit from. Note: This will also disable any activated cheats and you will have to re-input the code When you first start a new game, waste all your money by building all houses, airports, etc. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.