
The ground under the roadway is moving slowly. King County Road Alert - Road closures and conditions. We plan to open the alternate route intermittently during construction (mid-September through mid-December). We will require our contractor and workers to use a rainwater control system during construction so that construction work may continue rain or shine. The county does not expect the slide to affect State Route 202.For road project questions, contact Broch Bender by The County will provide as much notice as possible in advance of an emergency road closure but may need to respond quickly to changing conditions.

King County may remove the 15-ton (dry weather only) limit if slide movement increases during use by heavier vehicles. New Road Closures Street name: From / To: Reason / Details; HEIMAN ST HUGO CRES TO END: Reason: Road Reconstruction Date: 2020-Aug-10 to 2020-Sep-25 Details: road closure local traffic only Contact: Stephanie Brasseur 519-741-2200 ext. King County Road Services is closely monitoring ground movement on 356th Drive SE near Fall City, where a slow-moving slide is taking place under the roadway.On February 10, Road Services, in partnership with the Office of Emergency Management, issued a voluntary evacuation message to residents who would be cut off if conditions worsen and the road washes out. It is unlikely we will need to activate the evacuation route. Our goal is to complete the repairs by the end of the year or as late as January 2021. Evacuation is not mandatory, however if the road closes, residents will not be able to travel to and from the area after the 72-hour evacuation period. Road crews will adjust the sign to display either the five-ton or 15-ton limit. County staff will be available on site to provide information. King County Road Alert - Road closures and conditions.

This emergency evacuation route is in place purely as a back-up should the slide worsen to the point where we must close the road.

Subscribers get emails and text messages about unincorporated King County road construction projects, significant weather-related road closures and natural disasters.Please note that short-term road closures related to traffic collisions or downed powerlines are not reported on Road Alert or the The travel advisories provided by Road Alert are incorporated into the county's King County Road Services Division provides Road Alerts as a service to the public.

This project restores function to the existing road and does not include widening the roadway.

Plans are being developed to repair and replace the damaged section of 356th Drive SE in fall 2020. King County intends to make long-lasting repairs to help prevent the road from sliding in the future. We are working on a plan to provide alternative in and out access to residents. King County Road Alert is an email and text alert service for travelers on roads in unincorporated King County. Get a live view of Chester County, PA road conditions, delays, accidents, incident reports, traffic updates, construction, and closures.

Residents who live north of the 4000 block on 356th Drive SE are encouraged to leave the area. Installing an underground support wall and trenching system takes more time than simply repaving the road. We are working as quickly as possible to speed up the process and begin work as soon as we can. We will activate this route if the slide worsens to the point where we must close the road to traffic. Neither King County nor its employees or agents shall be liable for the accuracy of this information or any actions taken as a result. The following map depicts the locations of current freshwater swimming beach sampling stations in King County. The road would be a primitive access road, and would not be a traditional, paved King County road. If road conditions worsen and the road is closed or becomes inaccessible, there may not be another consistent way in or out of the area.

King County will close 356th Drive SE to all vehicle, pedestrian and non-motorized traffic on the following dates for pre-construction work:The County will maintain access for life and safety emergency response vehicles while crews are working. County Road Closures. The road is currently open but restricted to one lane north of the 4000 block. We also will stabilize the hillside above the road by installing a drainage trench to redirect the water away from the roadway. The County is monitoring the road’s condition around the clock. King County Road Alert is a service of the King County Department of Transportation that provides information via e-mail subscription and web posting about selected transportation problems affecting road travel. One way to reduce the chance of the slide worsening is to obey the posted weight limit of 15 tons in dry weather and 5 tons in rainy, wet conditions.

For marine beach data in King County visit the Washington State Dept. Work schedule:

Our goal is to keep the road open as much as possible, however construction work may require intermittent full or partial road closures. King County Road Alert. 356th Drive SE provides the only access for some 75 homes. View map showing full road closures Information is updated Monday through Thursday from 7:00am - 4:30pm; the list includes roads located in unincorporated Snohomish County. Snow / Emergency Route Map.

More details will be shared with the community at least two months prior to the start of road construction repairs on 356th Drive SE. Snoqualmie to Hobart - Westbound Pavement Repair. The alternate route (Campbell-Global property) will not be available for residential use when 356th Drive SE is closed for pre-construction work activity. Often times projects like this one can take up to one year before construction begins. If the slide worsens to the point where road engineers believe the safety of the road is in danger, the road will close to all traffic.