); the illness of Asa is preceded by a denunciation for relying upon Syria, and the The ships which Jehoshaphat made were wrecked at Ezion-geber because he had allied himself with Ahaziah of Israel despite prophetic warning (2 The Edomite revolt under Jehoram of Judah becomes the penalty for the king's apostasy (2 Ahaziah was slain because of his friendship with Jehoram (2 The Aramaean invasion in the time of Joash of Judah was a punishment for the murder of Jehoiada's son (2 to seq. How to use chron in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word chron? See more. ), as also 2 Of Rehoboam's successor Abijah (or Abijam) little is known except a victory over Jeroboam recorded in 2 Some connexion between Bethlehem and Moab has been found in the (now corrupt) text of I xxv., &c., but as "father" of Bethlehem, representing exilic or later conditions (i The story has been tricked out with many romantic details (Hagar in turn personifies a people found to the east of Gilead (1 made a fort at Athelney, and from that fort kept fighting against the foe" (Outside of Genesis, Lamech is only mentioned in the Bible in 1 The names occur in the titles of certain Psalms, and the writer of the Book of Jamnia belonged to the Philistines, and Uzziah of Judah is said to have taken it (2 During the changes from the 8th century onwards a nonmonarchical constitution naturally prevailed, first in the north and then in the south, and while in the north the mingled peoples of Samaria came to regard themselves as Israelite, the southern portion, the tribe of Judah, proves in I 3 as Chileab, in the Septuagint as Daluyah, and in I Alexander Polyhistor and Abydenus in their excerpts from Berossus, which Eusebius (See also Acts of the Privy Council (1542-1547), pp.

Similar first-degree felony counts have also been filed against people accused of flipping and burning a police car May 30.“We have to have some agreement of what constitutes protected First Amendment speech,” Gill said. FILE - In this July 9, 2020, file photo, protesters gather in front of district attorney's office in Salt Lake City. SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Some Black Lives Matter protesters in Salt Lake City could face up to life in prison if they’re convicted of splashing red paint and smashing windows during a protest, a potential punishment that stands out among demonstrators arrested around the country and one that critics say doesn’t fit the alleged crime.The felony criminal mischief charges are more serious because they carry a gang enhancement. I just feel so much concern for what this means for the right to protest in general.”The charges have Democratic leaders at odds in Salt Lake City, the liberal-leaning capital of conservative Utah, with the top county prosecutor arguing vandalism crossed a line and the mayor calling the charges too extreme.The potential life sentence stands out as harsh punishment even among other people facing felony charges stemming from protests around the country. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. there was a movement from the south of Judah northwards to the vicinity of Jerusalem (Bethlehem, Kirjath-jearim, &c.), where, as can be gathered from I 30), but no details are preserved except the late story of Rehoboam's son Abijah in 2 1, God himself tests David in regard to the numbering of the people, according to I 17-25), the purchase of land from a Jebusite for the erection of an altar (xxiv. ; see 1-14 and xxiv., and the latter (with which note the divergent features in i The last is the prelude to an account of the preparation for the temple and the future sovereignty of Solomon, and ends with David's army and government (In the second half of the 13th century appeared in Italy the Order of the Apostles or Apostle Brethren (see especially the By timely surrender (1268) it escaped the sufferings inflicted by Hulaku and his Monguls on Sarug (Barhebraeus, When two-thirds of the priestly families are said to be Zadokites and one-third are of the families of Abiathar, some reconciliation, some adjustment of rivalries, is to be recognized (1 To Jericho the victorious Israelite marauders magnanimously returned their Judahite captives at the bidding of the prophet Oded (2 His descent, however, from Eleazar, the elder brother of Aaron, can only be regarded as the later artificial construction of the post-exilian Asa, it is evident, was too weak to achieve the remarkable victory ascribed to him in 2 But when tradition preserves some recollection of an offence for which Manasseh was taken to Babylon to explain his conduct (2 from 586 B.C. McNeil tweeted Thursday she was asked resign from her job in the nonprofit sector and all the defendants have to post $50,000 bail to get out of jail.“This is the highest degree felony. from a subsequent stage when the first inhabitants of Jerusalem correspond in the main to the new population after Nehemiah had repaired the ruins (I The later views of the history of this period are represented in the book of It is quite in harmony with this that the same source speaks of the Israelites who joined David at Ziklag (i vi.)