Realizing Gothel's villainy, Eugene tries to escape as the guards forcefully carry him off. A writer of tangled confirmed Eugene is indeed 26. That night, Eugene takes Rapunzel out on the water in a rowboat to see the lights, wanting her to have the best view for her special day. The actor concluded that "These are two very different characters that end up learning a lot from each other on a rather crazy adventure.

Eugene stops her and, with his last breaths, tells Rapunzel that she was his new dream, to which she tells him, in reply, that he had been hers. Eugene begins to understand her feelings and begins to show more compassion and affection towards her as a result. When he guesses that his satchel is in a nearby pot, Rapunzel responds by once again, knocking him out with the frying pan she used the first time. Dropping his act, Flynn explains his reasoning behind his presence within the tower, though he quickly panics upon realizing his satchel is missing. He pauses for a second, evidently confused and shocked, and is then mortally stabbed by Mother Gothel. The name's Flynn Rider." After arriving at the tower, he becomes worried when Rapunzel does not answer his calls, but her hair soon comes down to let him climb up. He is the tenth official Disney Prince. He is a former thief and the love interest of the CGI Disney princess, Rapunzel. During his absence, Mother Gothel reveals herself to Rapunzel and quickly learns the young girl is not only reluctant to return to the tower but is beginning to harbor feelings for Eugene. When you look back at some of the past Disney princes or something, a lot of them are kind of soft and they're not like people we think are that cool, I guess. During the movie's production, Eugene was almost an actual Prince, like his fairy tale counterpart. He is ultimately revealed to be of royal blood; the long-lost Prince of the Dark Kingdom, and only child of Everything Flynn ever wanted, however, quickly lost its appeal in the days he met Eugene went back to his birth name, stopped thieving, and married Rapunzel a few years later. In 2012, Critics harshly criticized the film's controversial change in title from Although they had few similarities in the beginning, their adventure to the castle proved how much in … King Edmund ordered for a kingdom-wide evacuation to protect his subjects from the opal's destructive power—including Eugene, who was escorted out of the kingdom by a servant woman and later placed in an orphanage. The following morning, Eugene is nearly captured again by Maximus, but Rapunzel—with the help of Pascal—is able to befriend the horse and convinces the two forge a reluctant alliance for the next twenty-four hours, during which Maximus will not get Eugene arrested. Levi's duet with singer and co-star Mandy … They're good guys, so I guess we sort of took that to the other extreme. Now accompanied by Maximus, the group arrive at Corona for the festival. Twenty-five years ago, his wife and queen had perished from the supreme dark powers of the ancient and almighty Moonstone but not before she gave birth to their only child; a son whom he had sent away for safety, as did all of his subjects. Spoiler warning! He also wears a belt with a similar color scheme around his waist; connected to it is a miniature satchel. In an attempt to turn the princess against the thief, Gothel questions Eugene's loyalty by advising Rapunzel to use the crown (which she managed to find, and hands over to the princess) to test his true motives, claiming he'll abandon Rapunzel the moment the crown is returned. While some reviewers enjoyed the character's refreshing humor, rebelliousness and sarcasm in comparison to traditional Disney princes, others found his personality to be annoying and obnoxious, while panning his narration. She begins to sob, letting a single tear fall onto his cheek. This is seen after he meets and forms a relationship with Rapunzel. In spite of this, Rapunzel notes her fondness over Eugene's true name—openly preferring it over his roughish alias. Mother Gothel attempts to flee with the captive Rapunzel, leaving him there to die. Disney almost went with using the design of Bastian until his voice actor, Zachary Levi was finally cast. Soon he was conceived as a British farmer named Bastian, who was orphaned at a young age and forced into a life of thievery to survive, though he hated it. ―Flynn introducing himself to Rapunzel. Breaking free from the guards momentarily, he confronts them, forcing them to reveal that Mother Gothel was the one who told them about Rapunzel and her hair. He unabashedly committed acts of thievery on the royal family of As mentioned above, Flynn is also rather comedic, whether it's intentional or not. The tear, which is the original drop of sunshine which created the When first introduced, Flynn is presented as arrogant, backstabbing, and trouble-making. "Eugene/Flynn also appears in the 2017 television series Disney presents the Rapunzel/Flynn relationship as gag-strewn romantic comedy – she hits him several times with a frying pan before they have their first conversation.
During Eugene's infancy, the kingdom was corrupted by a powerful opal that threatened to destroy the land.