He was undefeated in 64 prep matches, and was 117-1 at Iowa State University. He needs to be relevant. Hidden in his past, before he ever wrestled a match, there's a story most people don't know. What would he say? He doesn't like to eat, for instance, without working out, constantly balancing a ledger in his mind. The arena sound system pours out decibels, sludgy bass lines and screaming guitars.

During his prep and college Wrestling careers, Dan Gable compiled an unbelievable record of 181-1. Gable famously left his alma mater in 1972 to join the Iowa Hawkeye coaching staff after he couldn't, in his words, "get a roll of tape" at Iowa State. They help us to know which pages …

This unbelievable record won him two NCAA National Wrestling Champion, three times Big Eight champion and three … If you do it well, it’s not a personal thing.For example in 1997 at the Big Ten Championships in Minneapolis, I was not planning on coaching (while recovering from hip surgery). She thought it was He threw a mug through the Christmas tree. A bitter laugh escapes his lips, and he looks tired and uncertain.Dan and Kathy Gable met at a party.

Kathy is the one who helps me keep track of my schedule.

A young man stepped out of the crowd, pointed toward the hat and said one of the few English words he knew: "Gable.

"Mike Duroe and Doughty watch him compose himself.

At the time that equaled the longest streak of national titles won by any school in any sport, and is also held by Yale golf (1905-13) and Southern Cal track (1935-43).On only five occasions did a Gable-coached team lose more than one dual meet in a year.
Then all of a sudden there was a case." The noise stops Gable and he looks down, his face stern.The cat hacks a few more times, bobbing her head, then vomits all over the carpet. Everyone has a role. They're not wrestling aggressively, not attacking until the end of the third period, and after yet another defeat, Annie rushes back to Dan and says, "Dad, you gotta start coaching again," an idea that is repeated not much later by a former college wrestler in the suite.

Dan Gable signs a wrestling shoe for Zeno Moore, 10, during Saturday's clinic at Enka Middle School. Upset at the Big Ten tournament, he'd thrown his second-place medal in a trash can and stormed off. He later elaborates: "She just ... it just pains her that he's not content. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Wrestling saved them from going down a path of destruction. The buildings -- the main house, his clubhouse with a sauna and gym, the barn with his axes and Everlast heavy bag -- look like they belong in a Nordic postcard, all dark wood 
and peaked rooflines. Like the Owings loss. He was just a boy. Pain and relief, even then.They drove home, and Dan moved into her room, winning 162 straight matches before losing.

)When Gable started lobbying, colleges were losing more wrestling programs each year, down from 146 in 1981-82 to 77 in 2011-12. "We'll follow the old man wherever he wants to go," the song goes. He had a winning percentage of .932 and captured nine consecutive (1978-86) NCAA Championships. I had to have a win, just to get it out of me.

But these days are almost finished. Sometimes a head coach must say, “trust me on this one.” Trust is the biggest key. Mackie rushes to find Kathy, who comforts him.

"Gable can't sleep that night, haunted by McDonough's loss and the losses of every wrestler he's seen in the past few days, even ones from other schools, kids he's never met. Derek St. John, the Iowa 157 and last hope to salvage a national title from a tournament gone wrong, crouches at the center of the mat.

Lyndhurst. Gable is spread-eagled in his backyard making goddamn snow angels. Efforts to question Gable further were met with a nonsensical song apparently made up on the spot, which included the lyrics, "I'm not listening to you, I'm not listening to you, a la la la la. "In the kitchen, Kathy starts laughing, imagining the scene.Gable, in 1958 in Red Lake, Ontario, with his parents -- and a northern pike. When it was pointed out that Vlasic's mascot was a fictional cartoon bird and unsuitable for marriage to a human man, Gable quickly left the press conference he had called and ducked out the side entrance of the building. He jokes that the set of "Rocky" was stolen from him.He's focused on overturning the IOC decision.

Do you think I double-check my suitcase when I go on trips? Mackie and Justin are about to leave, making the drive to Dubuque, where she teaches kindergarten and he coaches soccer. See what wrestling means out in the middle of the country and in places like it all over the world, where the thin line between survival and extinction is guarded by toughness. The Hawkeyes won 25 consecutive Big Ten championships, 21 under Gable as head coach and four while he was an assistant coach and administrator. 4 Iowa beat No. "The centers of the Gable home are the Olympics and the memory of his sister, Diane. St. John is tied with 48 seconds left. "Starting a chain saw," he says.His rotator cuff, long abused, snapped. Kyle, they explained, was dead. Katie and Mack Gable kept everything. Zaputil disappeared. "I don't even know how to explain it. Also known as: Phyllis J Gable, Kathy Gable, Phyllis Gable. he roars down into the fulcrum of noise.St. -- Tourette's in reverse -- are followed by growling, intense curses."SONOFABITCH!" Another fall might be more than he can handle.

What does he do? Diane's death is a psychic phantom limb, a complicated pain he talks about more each year, even if he still can't articulate how it makes him feel.
"My wrestling and family go together," he said.

Still, most afternoons he found himself drawn to the Iowa wrestling practices, sitting in the bleachers like a fan, offering tips. She lived in Waterloo then, in high school, and Dan, at Iowa State, sometimes trained in his hometown. Why was the hardest dude on the planet crying because a wrestler he doesn't coach won a match? "He thought quitting would spare him the pain, but he was wrong.