How to use composition in a sentence. Most rocks are composed of minerals.

It also refers to what something is made of.

Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. An example of a composition is a manuscript. All rights reserved.any of various sciences, as geography, geology, or meteorology, that deal with the earth, its composition, or any of its changing aspects.any of various sciences, such as geology, geography, and geomorphology, that are concerned with the structure, age, and other aspects of the earthAny of several sciences, such as geology, oceanography, and meteorology, that study the origin, composition, and physical features of the Earth. 1. [1276b] say the men are the same, but the city is different: for if a city is a community, it is a community of citizens; but if the mode of government should alter, and become of another sort, it would seem a necessary consequence that the city is not the same; as we regard the tragic chorus as different from the comic, though it may probably consist of the same performers: thus every other community or Of course there can be no exact parallel between arts so different as architecture and poetic The public are, in general, very ready to adopt the opinion, that he who has pleased them in one peculiar mode of These poetic fragments clearly antedate the "Life" itself, which seems to have been so written round them as to supply appropriate occasions for their "My dear colleagues," said Barbicane, without further preamble, "the subject now before us is the construction of the engine, its length, its He spent the first forty years of his life in acquiring knowledge, but having failed to obtain his doctor's degree, he returned to the quiet hills of his native province and dedicated his remaining years to This expression, which may be called a line, was taken up and repeated by the crowd; others might be added to it, and thus gradually, in the course of generations, arose the regular habit of communal Materials of different composition absorb and reflect light differently.Bach's compositions are undoubtedly among the greatest ever written.Write a composition on the subject `What I Did on My Holidays'.These plays are arranged in order of their composition. How to use composition in a sentence. Composition is another word for writing — the act of writing or the piece of writing that results. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012the act of combining parts or elements to form a aggregate material formed from two or more substances: an academic course for teaching the techniques of clear, expository writing.the art of putting words and sentences together in accordance with the rules of grammar and rhetoric.the organization or grouping of the different parts of a work of art so as to achieve a unified whole.the composition of “aircraft” from “air” and “craft.”an agreement or compromise, especially one by which a creditor or group of creditors accepts partial payment from a debtor.the process of making a composite function of two given functions.the act of putting together or making up by combining parts or ingredientssomething formed in this manner or the resulting state or quality; a mixturethe parts of which something is composed or made up; constitutionthe harmonious arrangement of the parts of a work of art in relation to each other and to the wholea piece of writing undertaken as an academic exercise in grammatically acceptable writing; an essaythe fallacy of inferring that the properties of the part are also true of the whole, as every member of the team has won a prize, so the team will win a prizea settlement by mutual consent, esp a legal agreement whereby the creditors agree to accept partial payment of a debt in full settlementthe nature and proportions of the elements comprising a chemical compound