One of Segovia’s students, Philip DeFremery, told me that Segovia explained to him that in his early years he, Segovia, tried to play entirely without nails, but discovered that no matter how short he cut and filed his index fingernail, there was always enough to strike the string, whereas the thumb, middle, and annular fingers of the right hand could play without touching nail. Esta es probablemente una de las películas que mas revela de Andrés Segovia que he jamas he visto.

Related composers.

The thumb, especially, can look like it is long enough to strike the strings, but don’t be fooled. When he persisted in teaching himself guitar, they opposed his becoming a musician.

He sought a guitar teacher at the Granada Institute of Music when he studied there, but found none, so continued learning the instrument on his own. 2019 Tarrega: Capricho Árabe 9

Their ignorances are that they have not personally heard, as I have on separate occasions, the wistful voices of several modern day masters who, after listening to one of the Maestro’s recordings, murmured “Why do I even bother?”; and lastly, some among us have forgotten or do not know that almost all the repertory we long to play well was either transcribed by Maestro Segovia, or written for him. Originally, the guitar was played either by fingernails or the fleshy tips. La première femme de Segovia était Adelaida Portillo (mariage en 1918)Segovia eut de nombreux élèves tout au long de sa carrière, incluant de grands guitaristes tels que : 2018 This might look like they are playing with a short nail, but that is not the case. He sought a guitar teacher at the Granada Institute of Music when he studied there, but found none, so continued learning the instrument on his own. As the first joint of the plucking finger yields to the string, whether in free or rest stroke, it momentarily reverses, bending backward, as does the flexible tip of a painter’s brush daubing canvas.

Segovia mourut à Madrid d'un infarctus du myocarde à l'âge de 94 ans, ayant réussi dans son ambition d'élever la guitare du rang d'instrument de danse folklorique bohémienne au rang d'instrument de concert.



Browse Andrés Segovia, Marquis of Salobreia, was born near Jaen, Granada, Spain. Dès lors, la guitare ne fut plus regardée comme un instrument strictement populaire, mais comme également appropriée à la musique classiqueComme Segovia progressait dans sa carrière et se produisait devant de plus grandes assemblées, il trouva que les guitares existantes n'étaient pas adaptées aux concerts des grandes salles car elles ne produisaient pas assez de volume. Andrés Segovia es probablemente una de las figuras más influyentes en el mundo de la guitarra clásica.

Virginia Luque is one who adapts her nails for this purpose, and was shown how to do it by none other than Andres Segovia… 2017 He played so skillfully that he was urged to become a professional soloist. When he persisted in teaching himself guitar, they opposed his becoming a musician.


Variations On a Theme By Mozart, Op.


2 . When he persisted in teaching himself guitar, they opposed his … First, they opposed his learning the guitar and got him cello and piano teachers instead.

Llobet studied guitar with Tárrega and also is known for conceiving of the guitar arrangements for a number of Albéniz’s piano works. That’s why Andrés Segovia’s nails, and those of so many others, like Oscar Ghiglia, are short—to permit the flesh a firm hold on the string, just long enough to impart a spin as it leaves. It was, in fact, superior to that which was being taught at the time, and extended the flexibility and expressive possibilities of the instrument. Show all 274 albums featuring Segovia. Andrés Segovia Segovia & Contemporaries, Vol.