also a lot of other widespread common names e.g. Go gather some roots and plant a good row of them in the garden.

If you look not so closely at the leaf, you understand the reference. The dandelion lives on all continents, sprouting up in yards worldwide. It is one of the oldest tonics around and one that could not be more safe. In the first edition of Species Plantarum (Linnaeus, 1753) several The common dandelion is well known for its yellow flower heads that turn into round balls of silver tufted fruits that disperse in the wind. the Leontodon looks a lot like the dandelion, where does this confusion actually The reason for the genus name seems pretty clear: in Greek Leontodon means lion´s tooth and this was (and still is) a common name of the dandelion in many languages. Let’s say it was one of the first outward bound kind of trips ever taken. so widespread it is probably a very old name. The time is the 1820s, the place the parched land of the New Mexican landscape.Dandelions came to New Mexico with the Spaniards, but the Native Americans quickly learned of the plant’s usefulness.

Dandelions scientific name comes from the Greek words for “disorder” and “remedy.” The Greeks felt that no matter what ailed you, dandelion would help In China, and dandelion has been used to treat serious conditions for more than 1,000 years. Our friend Peter was a botanist, at least in heart, and guess what he found in French Canada? The Tewa tribe found the same to be true and esteemed the leaves in spring salads.Fasten your seatbelt, our next flight is an international one, we have to fly south to the Spanish Americas where we have a number of stops to make. Dandelions scientific name comes from the Greek words for “disorder” and “remedy.” The Greeks felt that no matter what ailed you, dandelion would help In China, and dandelion has been used to treat serious conditions for more than 1,000 years. Last time we looked at the word most typically taught for “dandelion” (caisearbhán [kah-SHAR-uh-vawn]) and checked out its interesting etymology (cos, foot, or maybe gas, stem + searbh, bitter + -án).).

However, it is funny to see that other botanists soon found out that the Speaking of breasts, the dandelion has been used to treat breast cancer for over 1100 years. To cure heart trouble the yellow blooms were collected and boiled in water until the water turned bright yellow, then the liquid was allowed to sit out of doors over night, then a glassful drunk every morning for a solid month. with few side effects (Kiangsu-2459).It stands to reason that if the liver is in good functioning order, cleaning out all the toxins known to cause cancer, dandelion may indeed be a cancer preventative herb. If you have a yard overrun with springtime dandelions, never fear! By the by, if we had time we would skip over to Ireland , and find that they use the plant for the same things, health and liver function. Most of us hate the dandelion, the curse of the front yard.

When a culture bothers to create myths around a plant it is because the plant has proven to have some power.Let’s look at some of the health powers of dandelion. Maundy Thursday is the Thursday of the Holy Week celebrating Christ’s last supper. The whole plant should be gathered and tossed into your tonic plot nice and fresh, or they can be dried in the sun for later use.I grow a patch of dandelions so I have them on hand whenever I need them, and if you like those tres chic bitter greens offered at fancy restaurants, dandelions are the easiest of the bitter greens to grow.

Dry tea, steep, but do not boil, honey may be added to improve the taste,” told by a seventy year old man from Logan , Utah .“In the spring dig dandelion and brown the roots, then make drink from them.