Restorative justice practices and diversion with children and teens are of the utmost importance.

We know that traditional policing and prosecution practices -- such as profiling, stop and frisk, and mandatory minimums -- disproportionately affect people of color. Amy L. Padden was campaigning to unseat Matt Maillaro in the 18th Judicial District Attorney race, and it appears she succeeded — Padden is the projected winner. Amy Padden and Matt Maillaro faced off June 2 in a Zoom debate to convince voters they’re the best choice in the June 30 Democratic primary. Amy supports the use of an outside prosecutor, such as the creation of a specialized unit within the Attorney General’s office, in cases of serious police misconduct to avoid conflicts, ensure uniform standards across the state, and deliver justice to victims and their families.We need a DA who is unafraid to take hard looks at prosecution data (e.g., charging decisions, plea offers, sentencing recommendations) and share the results. “Amy Padden is a true progressive, running on a Criminal Justice reform platform, including combating mass incarceration, prosecuting hate crimes and police misconduct, and protecting immigrant communities,” Sanders wrote in a Medium post. High-profile endorsements and six-digit fundraising totals have already started flooding the race for Brauchler’s seat, which covers Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln Counties. Amy is a lawyer with 25 years of experience, who has devoted nearly 15 years of her legal career to public service on behalf of Coloradans. The 18th Judicial District is the most diverse district in the state. Amy supports the use of an outside consultant to review prosecution data as has been done in other jurisdictions, as well as having a conviction integrity unit with paid staff that will examine claims of constitutional violations and disproportionate sentences, rather than just “actual innocence”.Amy is opposed to death penalty and openly set forth that position, even before its repeal by our state legislature. Here are the contested races in the Denver metro area. Amy’s wealth of experience representing Colorado makes her uniquely qualified to be the next District Attorney of Colorado’s largest Judicial District, the Eighteenth Judicial District.For too long, the 18th Judicial District has prioritized winning over justice, leading to overcharging, harming vulnerable populations, and wasting taxpayer money. We know that traditional policing and prosecution practices -- such as profiling, stop and frisk, and mandatory minimums -- disproportionately affect people of color. Big name endorsements have recently made a splash in the local contest after Padden received a nod of approval from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders last week. John Kellner, Brauchler's chief deputy district attorney, is the only Republican in the race. Amy Padden, Democrat for District Attorney of the 18th Judicial District. Judicial District 18, which consists of Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert, and Lincoln counties, is a vibrant and diverse community, and all residents deserve to feel heard, respected, and protected by our courts. We know that the death penalty is not an effective deterrent, and we have witnessed cases around the country where men and women sentenced to death have later been exonerated.
We need a DA who will end these practices, work to address implicit bias, hold police accountable, and fight antiquated laws and policies (like citizens arrest statutes).

Maillaro touted his experience as a career prosecutor. But we also know that the death penalty cannot be fairly applied -- it has been disproportionately sought and obtained against people of color. Her experience ranges from cross-examining terrorists in court, to working on pressing issues of criminal justice reform, to managing a large office of prosecutors and staff. Amy supports the Legislature’s repeal of the death penalty and will oppose any efforts to reinstate it.Amy knows, as do many, that a negative relationship with Law Enforcement begins at a young age for some children of certain marginalized communities. The 18th Judicial District is the most diverse district in the state.

With her wealth of experience, Amy will bring smart reform to the office that prioritizes public safety, alternatives to incarceration when appropriate, and protecting vulnerable populations that call our community home.Amy will keep our communities safe by ensuring violent crimes are prosecuted and violent criminals are kept off our streets.Prison is not the only option available when seeking justice for victims and addressing criminal behavior. Maillaro is in a primary against Democrat Amy Padden, a prosecutor who ran last year for attorney general. As a prosecutor with experience in diversion programs, Amy knows that in order to rehabilitate offenders, alternatives to incarceration are sometimes more effective, particularly for those with mental health and substance abuse issues, and can ensure better outcomes for both victims and communities.

The 18th Judicial District is the most diverse district in the state and recent events have further exposed the racial inequities inherent in our criminal justice system, as well as the need for true criminal justice reform. She has served with distinction in the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, where she worked in the Criminal Justice and Consumer Protection Sections; in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, most recently as the third in command for the office under the Obama Administration; and in a District Attorney’s Office as a Supervising Prosecutor for diversion programs. Colorado's June 30 primary is less than a week away, and voters' ballots will depend on where they live and which party they choose. Amy is also opposed to the practice of charging children as adults -- when a children or young adults commit a crime, society needs to step up and help them get their lives on track, not prosecute them as adults.