Many roads in London are lined with guardrail, and cyclist deaths have occurred when motor vehicles crushed people against the rail as they cycled. There were slightly fewer KSIs amongst child cyclists in 2018 than there were in 2017, and both of these years’ figures were below the 2010-14 average:Source for the above two tables: DfT Reported Road Casualties GB 2018, Table RAS30011Let’s hope the trend is towards zero and it’ll encourage more young people to cycle to school, which so very few of them now do.Just possibly, though, there are signs of hope already: according to the National Travel Survey, 2.9% of 5-10 year-olds were making the school run by bike in 2018, more than in 2017 (1.8%) and, in fact, more than for years and years. In 2007, TfL set a policy of the use of guardrail only in locations where it has been proven to be a requirement for safety, and began a programme of removing it where possible. Police have released the first pictures of a man hit by a cyclist and killed in East London. This is partly explained by an increase in pedal cyclist traffic in Great Britain of 17% from 2008 to 2018”.Nevertheless, we’ll have to wait for a while until we can measure trends over a five or 10-year timespan with data that we don’t need to adjust.In the meantime, we can at least look at the last three years and the relative risk that road users have faced per billion miles. Please do the right thing, for Peter and our family. Data from 2016 and beyond, therefore, are not like-for-like with data from earlier years and they’re not comparable.To take account of this, the Department for Transport offers ‘adjusted’ figures in some of its statistical tables, but not all. Now consider the much higher volume of car traffic – a huge 77% of total mileage in GB – and compare it with casualties among car occupants. This is because a good many police forces have since introduced new reporting systems that make them more likely to record injuries as ‘serious’ as opposed to ‘slight’. In our position I know you would want the same.”Detective Inspector Julie Trodden, leading the investigation, said: “This is an incredibly tragic incident that has left a family devastated and the person responsible has still not yet come forward.“This man cycled off from the scene, but from photos we can see he abandoned his cycle and then ran off.

people travelling by cycle, motorbike or foot.To focus on cycling, here are cyclists’ share of overall casualties among all road users:Yet cycling only accounts for less than 1% of road traffic and under 2% of trips. From this, we discover – unsurprisingly – the majority of KSI cyclist casualties in 2018 (90%) happened in a crash involving a motor vehicle. Police statistics collected and just published by the Department for Transport (DfT) tell us that: 99 cyclists died on Britain’s roads in 2018, two fewer than in 2017 (-2%); 3,707 were seriously and 13,744 slightly injured.

A third cyclist has been killed in four days on London's roads.

HR administrator Peter McCombie, 72, was walking home from the Royal London in east London on July 3 when he was struck just after 5pm. Any information you can give, even if it is just the street where you saw him, could be crucial.“I am also asking anyone who in the area at around 5pm on Friday, July 3 and who witnessed this collision, or the events immediately prior to and after the collision to contact the police.“Finally, I continue to appeal directly to the cyclist involved – please come forward to assist this investigation but, more importantly, to provide answers to the victim’s family who are grieving the tragic loss of a loved one. Police statistics collected and just published by the Department for Transport (DfT) tell us that: 99 cyclists died on Britain’s roads in 2018, two fewer than in 2017 (-2%); 3,707 were seriously and 13,744 slightly injured. Please quote reference Cad 5779/03Jul.When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. Registered office: Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX.Although only a tiny proportion of cycle trips end with a police officer filing a casualty report, we believe no injury or death on Britain’s roads should be tolerated. By 2010, 60 kilometres (37 mi) of the 204 kilometres (127 mi) of guardrail on the Transport for London Road Network had been removed. Most pedestrian KSI involved a motor vehicle too (98%).Almost a fifth of cyclists’ fatalities involved HGVs, a huge proportion given that lorries only make up a tiny proportion of traffic (5%).Children who walk and cycle are amongst the most vulnerable groups of road users.Sadly, in 2018, child pedestrians under 11 years-old suffered a rise in KSIs when compared with 2017 (+7%):Although the figures for the last two years are all below the 2010-2014 average, increases like this are always worrying and the thought that they might mark the start of a trend is deeply alarming. But change for cycle safety is taking an awful lot of it.“Although the number of pedal cyclists killed on the roads in 2018 was slightly lower than in 2017, the 99 fatalities is very similar to the level seen since 2008. "I would ask the cyclist personally, please speak to police. If anyone knows the location of this bike please tell us, it is vital evidence. Despite the best efforts of doctors he died on Saturday. "Any witnesses or anyone with dash cam footage is asked to call police on 020 8597 4874 or 101 or contact via Twitter @MetCC. Jay Kristiansen was rushed to hospital after the hit-and-run on Romford Road at 3.19am on Friday July 24. So is the fact that, more often than not, the victims are vulnerable, i.e. Peter McCombie, 72, was taken to hospital in a critical condition with serious head injuries.