Finally, we give improved explicit hitting-sets for polynomials computable by width-rROABPs in &:���%9X0������f�FZm �_��������%6�p�_��c5 &���Kx��V��/��q���|.�q��_�F@2�CE��?�Ն���l���C�|��
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�&�y hitting set problem is one in which, for each instance, the set of subsets is not listed explicitly but instead is speci ed implicitly by an oracle: a polynomial-time algorithm which, given a set HˆU, either certi es that His a hitting set or returns a subset that is not hit by H. This hitting set has size 2, so we have found a solution to the problem. hitting-sets for sum of several ROABPs. In particular, when the characteristic of the eld is zero or large enough, we give polynomial-size explicit hitting-sets for sum of constantly many log-variate ROABPs of width r= 2O(logd=loglogd). <> The pair H ˘(V,E) is a hypergraph NP-hard problems solvable by d-HS Set include ˇ graph-based data clustering, e.g.
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�P/� the hitting-set problem, as just formulated, is meaningfulonly when R is a finite set of regions (taken from some infinite class). 5 0 obj 4�q��}��Rf
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��@n*`�m_�v�V���3�����jR Abstract: A hitting set for a collection of sets is a set that has a non-empty intersection with each set in the collection; the hitting set problem is to find a hitting set of minimum cardinality. In mathematics, given a collection S of subsets of a set X, an exact cover is a subcollection S * of S such that each element in X is contained in exactly one subset in S *.One says that each element in X is covered by exactly one subset in S *.An exact cover is a kind of cover.. (see In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, a vertex cover (sometimes node cover) of a graph is a set of vertices that includes at least one endpoint of every edge of the graph. %�쏢 stream d-Hitting Set and Applications d-Hitting Set (d-HS) Input A family E of sets of cardinality at most d over a universe V and a natural number k. Question Is there a hitting set SµV with jSj•k and 8e2E: e\S6˘;? D of minimal hitting sets for S would be to iterate through all possible component combinations to (1) check whether it is a hitting set, and (2) and (if it is a hitting set) whether it is minimal, i.e., not subsumed by anyother set of lower cardinality (cardinality of a set dk, |dk|, is the number of elements in the set). %PDF-1.4 (Redirected from Hitting set problem) Example graph that has a vertex cover comprising 2 vertices (bottom), but none with fewer. It is a problem "whose study has led to the development of fundamental techniques for the entire field" of The minimum set cover problem can be formulated as the following This ILP belongs to the more general class of ILPs for In weighted set cover, the sets are assigned weights. The hitting-set problem is NP-Hard, under both discrete andcontinuous models, even for very simple geometric settings in R2, e.g., when R is a set … In computer science, the exact cover problem is a decision problem to determine if an exact cover exists. �GЮ�
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