Photo by US CPSCSo fireworks injuries are not that big of a concern if you use your smarts. Data is missing from 1920 and 1946.To see the daily climate data for Rockford for 4th of July from 1905-Present, Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. How many fireworks do people actually set off in yards and parking lots? The Independence Day holiday period varies from 1.25 to 4.25 days in length, depending on which day of the week the holiday falls. Pretty firework wrapping looks like candy, and “snakes” apparently look like gum.

311.7 million – The nation’s estimated population on this July Fourth. All rights reserved. Not surprisingly, most are children younger than 6. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! $1.6+ Billion: Amount we plan to spend on Fourth of July beer and wine. Some counties are reluctant to restrict fund-raising sales for non-profits. “We see a lot of blast injuries from fireworks and also burns. By Sheila Sund Yet another reason to keep fireworks out of the reach of children (and pets)! 4th of July Climate History for Chicago, IL. Why do we spend so much time teaching toddlers about matches, fires and stoves (“hot” was my son’s first word), yet hand them blow torches on 7/4, telling them to “be careful”.In general, fireworks injuries occur from either malfunction or misuse. 2.5 million – In July 1776, the estimated number of people living in the newly independent nation.Source: Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970. I tend to spend my 4th with hose and fire extinguisher handy, worrying that patriotic neighbors will set the area ablaze.Some drought affected counties issued temporary firework bans this year, but effectiveness remains to be seen. This extraordinary annual event is the largest and best celebration in the area. and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Compared to fireworks, grilling sends twice as many people to the emergency room every year. Travel Statistics: 46.9 million people are estimated to travel over 50 miles this Fourth of July; 85% of Fourth of July travelers will get to their destination by car; 3.8 million travelers will travel by plane; 466 people are killed in car crashes every Fourth of July; 188 people in 2016 were killed in car crashes that involved a drunk driver Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Exceptions are: 1) use through CreativeCommons licensing (see below) and 2) non-profit emergency preparedness organizations may print and distribute copies of posts for the purpose of community or member education. Either fireworks are safer, people are smarter about use – or both! The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. Heavy holiday drinking means adults are at higher risk for drowning injuries too, Kingsley-Rocker said. So while maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask when appropriate and washing your hands frequently, there are a few other safety measures for you to keep in mind. It’s large, white, and flaps in the breeze. )Firework safety messages proliferate almost as vigorously as fireworks stands. 85.0. He poured lighter fuel on the lit coals, and suffered fatal third degree burns. 2.21. Once you start grilling, you need to focus on the process until you turn it off!It’s not fireworks. Besides, even permanent laws on firework use aren’t enforceable. The Fourth of July is America’s favorite summer holiday. (Chadra 2018) Like fireworks, most injuries are minor, but a few people die, usually from ignition of lighter fuels or clothes catching on fire.The proliferation of propane grills has worsened the grilling problem. Grilling is like driving – it’s not the time for distraction (or drinking – talk about an increase in judgment errors). Experimental data products are created using new data sources or methodologies that benefit data users in the absence of other relevant products. Fireworks that go off in your face can also cause a loss of vision,” Kingsley-Rocker said. It’s the fireworks stand, found on every corner. Malfunctions mean the firework worked incorrectly, and include exploding earlier or later than expected, flight paths in the wrong direction, and launch tubes tipping over (think fountains falling over). Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Sheila Sund, M.D. Despite the impressive amount of gunpowder in these tents, the only requirement for supervision (at least in Oregon) is one person over the age of 18 – not the age I’d choose for good judgment! Most fatal traffic accidents occur in the night-time hours, particularly on the 4If you really want to stay safe on the fourth, you could huddle indoors with your family and pets, eat potato chips, and watch old movies – except if neighbors set off fireworks, when you would need to patrol outside with hose and fire extinguisher. However, the sheer amount of car crashes that occur on around of July Fourth make it the deadliest holiday of the year. Most of the pork hot dogs and sausages consumed on Independence Day come from Iowa. Independence Day is prime time for fun. Or perhaps men just get the job of lighting the fuse more often – the rule at my house. A bigger issue is firework caused fires. Independence Day is observed on July 4. Perhaps not the message we want to send. When you finally light it – BOOM!