But don’t force these guys to wear them. (Kidding, A’mare doesn’t play any defense.). This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only.

“You feel like you’re constantly getting dressed and undressed.”For the average NHL player, away games demand the most changes. Those were good suits. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/09/nfl-players-wear-suits-airplane-press-conference-nba-dress-code-sports-fashion

After waking up, practising, napping, playing, travelling and going to bed, he has changed many times.While a minimum number of clothes changes can be calculated, a maximum number can’t, owing to deviations in players’ tolerance of sweaty, cold underwear — not tighty whiteys, but the shirts, shorts and socks worn under equipment.

Put Jameis Winston in a Bucs sweatshirt versus a Brooks Brothers regent fit and no one would care about the difference, mainly because if you’re watching the postgame press conference of a football player, you’re not the type of person to care about the clothing they’re wearing. Toronto Star articles, please go to:The Toronto Star and thestar.com, each property of Toronto Star Back before players were required to wear leg pads, I saw guys put them in the thigh board slot of the game pants. Visit our © 2020 Montreal Gazette, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. “I always thought that was crazy.”Then there’s the off-ice time in the locker room and gym, which players can spend in clothing limbo, occupying the hazy area between being dressed and undressed.

Such a classy look.They are representing the team, which is considered a part of their community. Now, consider that many of these people have spent the day on their computers in an air conditioned office where there is no threat of someone blindsiding them with a tackle or having A’mare Stoudemire swat away their attempts to throw things in the trash.

If you don't see it please check your junk folder.The next issue of Montreal Gazette Headline News will soon be in your inbox.We encountered an issue signing you up. Because coaches and injured players aren’t out there sweating and competing.What does most of America do when they get home from work?

A playoff beard is the superstitious practice of male athletes not shaving their beards during the playoffs.Playoff beards were introduced by ice hockey players participating in the Stanley Cup playoffs, and are now a tradition in many sports leagues.Many fans of professional sports teams also grow playoff beards.

No, better question: How many of the assembled press have mustard stains on their flannel shirts, khakis and/or New Balance sneakers? to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about To order

Why? “But other times getting equipment on is kind of the best part, sitting there with the team and getting dressed up.”Copyright owned or licensed by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. Stern's dress code stated that all players must dress in business or conservative attire while arriving and departing during a scheduled game, on the bench while injured, and when conducting official NBA business (press interviews, charity events, etc.).

For a Canadiens game at the Bell Centre, the players will put on their suits and ties at home, get in their cars and drive to the underground parking lot. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/09/nfl-players-wear-suits-airplane-press-conference-nba-dress-code-sports-fashion A well-tailored suit makes anyone look good and probably instills a sense of confidence when you’re marching through the bowels of Lambeau Field, about to play a game. To class it up? Wear what you want. Why is this?

We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. “I’m a little superstitious. presentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distribution For a Canadiens game at the “Most of the time, nobody even sees you,” Brendan Gallagher said after the Canadiens’ morning skate Tuesday in Brossard. Tyson Nash recently tweeted the fun fact that some NHLers change as many as12 times a day. It would also make sense in the NHL, but it won’t happen.“I’ve always just enjoyed coming to the game,” Gallagher said. You’re getting asked rote questions and giving boring answers. And, generally, I don’t like the trend of people dressing like slobs on airplanes either. Compare that to the NFL (where they could be playing the heat/rain/snow/mud), and a suit clearly doesn't always work (although IIRC, a couple of coaches in the NFL petitioned to be able to wear a suit for a couple of games last year).

They can dress however they want when they're not at work.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castDiscuss the NHL, AHL, KHL, NWHL, IIHF and every other hockey league you can think of!

The world doesn’t end. Let them wear suits, even if the last guy who wanted to do that, Mike Nolan, had a head coaching job for about 30 seconds.

Hockey players in suits; why?

Needless to say the choice of colour was not a big hit with the fans.

Tennis players look like weekend warriors during pressers and they’re supposed to be some of the classiest athletes in the world. Why the difference though?

Sweats every flight!

https://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/09/nfl-players-wear-suits-airplane-press-conference-nba-dress-code-sports-fashion rights reserved. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site.

It’s even dumber that NFL players arrive at the stadiums for games on Sunday dressed like their about to meet with fans to go over their income tax returns. Many schools require their sports teams to dress up the day of or the Friday before game day in an effort to show support as a sports team.